Gotthard AlpTransit Visitor Center | bauzeit architekten

Pollegio / Switzerland / 2003

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ENG - The Gotthard AlpTransit Visitor Center in Pollegio is the first of two buildings, which will stand at the two entrances of the Gotthard railway tunnel. These two buildings will be a token of the significance and the complexity of the construction of this railway tunnel in the advancing twenty-first century. For travelers who only pass through the region the fleeting impression they get of the tunnel construction is too limited to convey to them the scope of the project and its complexity. Such is the goal of the Visitor Center; it is to bring home the difficulties of the construction and its importance for the future. Indeed, the 57 kilometers through the mountain are a real challenge for the technology and the imagination of our age. The aim of the Center is to reveal the wonders on an otherwise invisible world of creativity and hard work. More than a simple exhibition space, the buildings will offer visitors an experience of the materiality of distance. In that sense, the Visitor Center in Pollegio is more a transposition of matter into experience, rather than an exposition about matter. Visitors are not only shown the materiality of distance, but they actually enter that matter through which the tunnel is dug; they can feel its mass, its power, and the forces at work in the construction of the tunnel. The outer structure of the Visitor Center is built with the material excavated from the mountain. Millions of pieces of gneiss—the rock out of which the mountain is made—of 100 to 150 mm in diameter are lumped together in big steel nets to form two huge basket-like blocks. These two blocks create the impression of spaciousness of the Center even as they render the astounding materiality of space. The main rooms of the Center are distributed on two levels suspended on a steel structure anchored in the blocks. Glass walls suspended on that structure create a visually and sensorial independent unit; they also contribute to regulating the temperature inside the building. Service rooms, such as lavatories or storage spaces, are of massive reinforced concrete; they are either concealed by the blocks, or they run through the latter like tunnels. The main space of the Center is defined by the contrast between materiality and immateriality. Contrasting with the imposing heaviness of the raw material used for its construction, the exhibit itself resorts to quasi immaterial means to reach the consciousness of the visitor: play with light and transparency, images projected on glass, multimedia devices illustrate the tension between the gravity of matter and the lightness of the human imagination. The exhibit and the space devoted to it evoke the titanic forces at the heart of the mountain, the heroic efforts expended to vanquish them, and the fluidity and ease of newly achieved communication. In addition to the Visitor Center itself, the building also hosts an exhibition area, a shopping area, a restaurant and a conference center. Permanent and temporary exhibits about the construction of the tunnel will then be organized there. ITA - La nostra epoca cerca di abolire la distanza smaterializzandola. Un traforo, quello dell’Alp Transit San Gottardo, al contrario la materializza. Basta premere un tasto del cellulare per parlarsi tra i due versanti della montagna. Ci vorranno 12 anni di cantiere per potersi incontrare, rapidamente. A celebrare questa distanza diventata mitica, 57 Km, due ‘architetture’ si fronteggiano da una parte e dell’altra della montagna. Due ’marchi’ di reperaggio, i Centri Visitatori, fatti dello stesso materiale bruto sottratto alla montagna, simboleggiano l’ostinazione degli uomini a voler comunicare sempre meglio tra loro. Movimenti congiunti e disgiunti traducono il progetto e l’attività del cantiere: si apporta della materia, si toglie della materia, si crea una forma e un contenuto. Materializzazione, smaterializzazione, rematerielizzazione. Bisogna ‘penetrare la materia’ più che entrare in uno spazio. Il visitatore attraversa la materia (una „trans-posizione“ più che una ’ex-posizione’), percepisce la massa, l’inerzia in tutta la sua forza, come vera referenza. L’energia visiva del vuoto materializzato nella pietra, simbolizza la tensione della comunicazione e domina l’atmosfera dei luoghi. Il pieno della materia, la sua densità, la sua gravità che gli spazi devono squarciare, perforare per inscrivervi tutta la forza dei volumi negativi. ‘Comunicare’ è una tensione verso qualcuno. Materalizzazione, dematerializzazione. I due Centri Visitatori uniscono e oppongono due tipi di materia: la pietra, e solo quella tolta alla montagna, è utilizzata in diffrenti textures per dar vita ai suoli, ai muri. Un’accumulazione di materiali grezzi che sedimentano e pesano del loro peso originario. Al contrario il vetro, la stoffa, gli schermi costituiscono il supporto della comunicazione. Materia opaca e pesante da una parte, traslùcida e leggera dall’altra, esse evocano (sottolineano) il contrasto tra lo sforzo titanesco per comunicare attraverso la materia e la leggerezza aerea della comunicazione virtuale. Varcando la montagna, spezzando la linea di demarcazione delle acque in Europa, il traforo del San Gottardo rafforza il contatto di due mondi, due culture, due climi, due comunità. Un tunnel è anzitutto un atto di comunicazione. In Collaborazione con Atelier Oï (Parte espositiva)
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    ENG - The Gotthard AlpTransit Visitor Center in Pollegio is the first of two buildings, which will stand at the two entrances of the Gotthard railway tunnel. These two buildings will be a token of the significance and the complexity of the construction of this railway tunnel in the advancing twenty-first century. For travelers who only pass through the region the fleeting impression they get of the tunnel construction is too limited to convey to them the scope of the project and its complexity....

    Project details
    • Year 2003
    • Work finished in 2003
    • Client Alp Transit Gotthard AG
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Pavilions / Tourist Facilities
    • Website
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