pfc_BIBLIOTECA BORBOTÓ | Veronica Barreda Tuñas

University project Valencia / Spain / 2010

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The project arises when there is a valid solution for the problems rationally and existing conditions. At first, it looks sensible and rational solution from the point of view social and urban, a quality that is assumed since it has made an exhaustive study of the environment. Second, the scale of the project must be appropriate both for the population in which it is located to the required level of monumentality. For this reason, the building has a large development plan for its functional requirements and preserve as the reference point, the average size of apple in your environment. Moreover, the grouping of functional units in different volumes as rational as we think given that we have enough floor space. GAME OF VOLUMES As is well known, Le Corbusier defined architecture as "correct and magnificent play of volumes under the light", based on the logical use of new materials: concrete, large flat glass and other artificial products. This artistic and rationalist principle universally recognized as valid, without a doubt, that has guided the whole development project. Volumes are projected pure and simple, distinct from one another both in dimension in plan and elevation. These main parts are connected by bands that make us servants hinge. This set of volumes is the formal synthesis of the project. All other architectural mechanisms employed in realizing the project have always sought to reinforce this concept and put it into value. Moreover, the position of the volumes in the plot is central to the project. The volumes maintain alignment of the frame edificatoria thus integrates building and creating, in urban, spaces that sew the project with its environment. The sharp horizontal shifts of the bands of the building to the urban environment and tries to provide an interface between the orchard and Borbotó. The position on the plot of the volumes we configured two large spaces that are an expression of what the project aims at a symbolic level, the merger, the dialogue between the garden and the town center. The entrance plaza, next to the town center, gives the town a large sunny space, designed for resting, meditation or play, spaces of the town currently lacks. But this place is not detached from the building, but a continuation of the same material outside and from it you can see the building extolling its formal values ​​and their modulation. The square is created north has a different character. It is a soft, open to the garden. It is shown that the orchard, besides having agricultural value and arguably an intrinsic cultural and historical value, can also be understood as a space for contemplation, undervalued today, and it could be, with simple gadgets, as proposed by this workshop, a huge green space that citizens can also enjoy. Ultimately, our project solves in part the lack of public spaces in the town and also to be understood as the completion of the urban area to the east of Borbotó today lacking a clear morphology. SKINS The skin of the building is an essential part of the formalization of the project. Its materiality is to be consistent with the basic idea of ​​the project. Being a building consisting of volumes bound together by a continuous skin will get him clear to the whole unit. This steel perforated metal skin cut in the building will cause a constant change of appearance and by different patina that will each partition, we will control the size of the project. The skin gives the concrete building look much lighter and the perforations in the steel we allow a variation in daytime and nighttime appearance of the library since after skin window openings can be found that will miss the artificial light, hiding during the day. At certain points in the vertical facades and small openings found in light. His provision is fibonacci series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ... giving us a rhythm.
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    Project Authors
    • Veronica Barreda Tuñas

      Veronica Barreda Tuñas

      Principal Architect

    The project arises when there is a valid solution for the problems rationally and existing conditions. At first, it looks sensible and rational solution from the point of view social and urban, a quality that is assumed since it has made an exhaustive study of the environment. Second, the scale of the project must be appropriate both for the population in which it is located to the required level of monumentality. For this reason, the building has a large development plan for its functional...

    Project details
    • Year 2010
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Libraries / Book shops / Media Libraries
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