MSM. Masterplan San Marco | C+S Architects

Activating the urban void Conegliano / Italy / 2012

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The former military structure of the Caserma San Marco’s army square is a huge void at the entrance of Conegliano historical city centre. Avoiding to give answer to the expected programs through conventional solutions, we have considered this masterplan as a great opportunity to regain and activate a non-used marginal space of the city. Densifying the edge of the plot with social housing and public facilities, the design aims to preserve the square and to engage and activate programs which can involve larger communities more than the neighborhood. The main idea of the urban renewal design is based on shaping empty spaces, above and below the ground. The notion of void is investigated from at the urban scale as well as at the architecture and detailed scale of the structure of the buildings. Underground, the two-storey parking lot is shaped by the structural design, freeing it from any intruding plants or systems, which are concentrated in the central shaft. A system of pillars, which opens up like a tunnel, lets the natural light to go through, provides ventilation and is the support for the horizontal elements, with alternated sections, creating a 16 metres wide free span. Color outlines the parking orientation signing the security exits.  The grafic signs, in this project, become spaces and, viceversa, space becomes a grafic solution. The concrete blades with emergency exits are coloured in green, orange and purple and covered by canopies, which are the only outside signs of the underground parking on the outside artificial public space of the new square. Above the ground the void is preserved through materiality. The square is entirely covered with the stones of the Piave River and it is crossed by one single path, made of larch boards. This low-cost solution was shared with the people, freeing the space from car parking and allowing different possible uses of it, as concerts or markets. The refurbishment of an existing building houses the ticket office, connected with the underground parking. Even the dense social housing and services is shaped around the void of two courtyards. The houses are served by a balcony and each of them has an entrance either from the ground floor either from the first floor, at the street’s level. The smaller typologies for young people face directly on the courtyard and are enlightened also by roof windows, while the larger apartments are duplexes entering from the balcony. From the outside the building follows the edge of the plot in continuity with the existing buildings. From the outside the building follows the outline of the plot, keeping the continuity with the existing buildings. [IT] La struttura militare della ex piazza d’armi della caserma San Marco è un grande vuoto all’ingresso del centro storico di Conegliano. E’ una opportunità per rivalutare e riattivare un suolo urbano ritenuto ai margini della città, ma proprio per la sua posizione di confine, ricco di pontenzialità. Densificando il perimetro del sito tramite la costruzione di social housing e servizi pubblici, il progetto vuole preservare la piazza come un grande spazio a disposizione della collettività per attivare programmi che coinvolgano la comunità che vi abita intorno ma che possano attrarre anche eventi sovracomunali. Per ottenere questo obiettivo, il progetto si concentra sul disegno dello spazio vuoto. Nel piano interrato, questo tema coinvolge il disegno di un parcheggio di due piani che lavora con lo spazio vuoto grazie al disegno strutturale, liberandolo da qualsiasi ingombro impiantistico. Un sistema di pilastri inclinati, lascia filtrare la luce naturale fino al secondo livello interrato, garantendo la ventilazione, e diventano supporto per una serie di elementi orizzontali sfalsati che coprono una luce di 16 metri. Le uscite di emergenza in cemento armato faccia a vista sono colorate interamante in verde, arancione e viola e coperte da leggere pensiline. La piazza sovrastante è interamente coperta in sassi del fiume Piave ed è attraversata solo da un percorso ligneo in doghe di larice. La soluzione a basso costo, è stata condivisa con la comunità locale: l’inaccessibilità forzata alle automobili ha permesso di far percepire la potenzialità di un grande spazio urbano messo a disposizione per eventi come mercati e concerti, facilmente accessibile e dotato di un sistema efficiente di parcheggi interrati. Il social housing e i servizi sono costruiti intorno al vuoto di due corti. Le residenze si sviluppano in duplex con accesso da un ballatoio di servizi. All’esterno l’edificio conferma i limiti del lotto in continuità con le quinte urbane esistenti.
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    The former military structure of the Caserma San Marco’s army square is a huge void at the entrance of Conegliano historical city centre. Avoiding to give answer to the expected programs through conventional solutions, we have considered this masterplan as a great opportunity to regain and activate a non-used marginal space of the city. Densifying the edge of the plot with social housing and public facilities, the design aims to preserve the square and to engage and activate programs which can...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Client Conegliano Servizi Spa
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Urban Renewal
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