House in Monasterios | Ramón Esteve Estudio

Valencia / Spain / 2008

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The house is located in an elevated residential area, which is dominated by the hillside that leads down to the sea. This view marks the direction that the walls will follow, in an abstract manner, defining the project. The house is built as a compact volume of differing heights, in a style determined by the main walls. The connecting space of this sequence of volumes is achieved by making an opening through the courtyards, in the central space of the house. Following a series of open courtyards, covered at its perimeter in the style of atriums, through which one advances in search of access to the interior and through which one obtains different perceptions of the house. The views from any point are intersected and are never interrupted along the changing sequence, at the end of which, enclosed between walls of glass, is the lobby. Thus, there is an approach that exposes the most intimate and contained face of the house, once inside, to discover the distant view over the hillside to the sea. Among the great defining walls, the space is enclosed by large glass panels protected by removable wooden planes, which regulate the level of closure of each piece. The house layout is designed very clearly according to the direction set by the walls and the volumes depend on the spatial hierarchy of the spaces. Two protruding volumes of wood, embodied by the chimneys, mark the counterpoint to the horizontal, which defines the entire house.

La vivienda se ubica en una zona residencial elevada, desde la que se domina toda una ladera que desciende hasta el mar. Esta vista marca la dirección que seguirán los muros que, de manera abstracta, definen el proyecto. La vivienda se estructura como una compactación de volúmenes de diferente altura, con forma establecida por los muros principales.
El espacio articulador de esta sucesión de volúmenes se obtiene de practicar una apertura, mediante patios, en el espacio central de la vivienda. Se suceden así, una serie de patios abiertos, cubiertos en su perímetro a la manera de atrios, por los que se avanza en busca del acceso al interior y a través de los cuales se van obteniendo distintas percepciones de la casa.
Las vistas desde cualquier punto se cruzan en ellos y nunca se interrumpen a lo largo de la permeable secuencia al final de la cual, acotado entre membranas de vidrio, se encuentra el vestíbulo. Así, se produce un recorrido de acercamiento que expone la cara más íntima y contenida de la casa para, una vez en su interior, descubrir las largas vistas sobre la ladera hasta el mar. Entre los grandes muros definitorios, el espacio se cierra con amplios paños de vidrio protegido con planos móviles de madera, que gradúan el nivel de cerramiento de cada pieza. El programa de la vivienda se orienta de manera muy clara según la dirección marcada por los muros, y los volúmenes dependen de la jerarquía espacial de los espacios. Dos volúmenes emergentes de madera, materializados por las chimeneas, marcan el contrapunto a la horizontalidad que define toda la casa.

Arquitectos Colaboradores
María Daroz
Olga Badía
Daniella Adame
Catherine Genet

Silvia M. Martínez

Arquitecto Técnico
Emilio Pérez
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    The house is located in an elevated residential area, which is dominated by the hillside that leads down to the sea. This view marks the direction that the walls will follow, in an abstract manner, defining the project. The house is built as a compact volume of differing heights, in a style determined by the main walls. The connecting space of this sequence of volumes is achieved by making an opening through the courtyards, in the central space of the house. Following a series of open...

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