RIGHT TO ENERGY | OBR Open Building Research

'Oil and Post Oil Energy and Grid' Exihibition Rome / Italy / 2013

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ENERGY. Architettura e reti del petrolio e del post-petrolio Fondazione MAXXI, Roma In a time when it is our duty to investigate alternative non-oil based energy sources, Smart Grid represents the most sustainable model in environmental, energetic and economic terms. The nodes in the energy grid will be the power stations of the future: intermodal and social center, in which we will be able to exchange energy and data, and interact socially as if we were in a market, or rather in an energy mall. In these energy malls we will switch from “volumetric” vehicles for long-distance travel (flights, trains, cars) to “corporal” equipment for short-distance movements (electro assisted and automated individual devices that are an extension to one’s body). The bicycle is a perfect example of a corporal device (still unrivaled in terms of energy efficiency): I use my body to move in the space, truly experiencing the surrounding environment and accumulating energy that I can then reuse for other purposes. A new Smart Grid mobile will encourage sustainable, individual energy production. The project investigates the space where energy exchanges take place, from extra urban to urban, from collective to individual, with the objective of enhancing the landscape. The purpose is to reveal the landscape and promote a renewed sense of community. We imagine a new form of democratization of energy. Everybody can transform and exchange energy, which will be finally accessible to all. [IT] In una realtà in cui è necessario investigare scenari legati a fonti di energia alternative agli idrocarburi, Smart Grid rappresenta oggi l’ipotesi più sostenibile, in termini ambientali, energetici ed economici. I nodi della rete energetica saranno le stazioni di servizio del futuro: centri intermodali e sociali, in cui potremo scambiare energia e dati, interagendo con gli altri come in un mercato o, meglio, una energy mall. Nelle energy mall potremo passare da mezzi di trasporto “volumetrici” per le lunghe distanze (aerei, treni, automobili) a mezzi “corporali” per le brevi distanze (mezzi singoli elettro assistiti e autonomi, utilizzati come estensione del proprio corpo). La bicicletta è un perfetto esempio di mezzo corporale (peraltro ancora insuperato in termini di efficienza energetica): uso il mio corpo per spostarmi nello spazio, facendo un’esperienza reale dell’ambiente, trasformando e accumulando energia che potrò successivamente riutilizzare per altri usi. Una nuova tipo di Smart Grid mobile incentiverà la produzione individuale dell’energia. Il nostro progetto indaga i luoghi dello scambio energetico collettivo ed individuale attraverso i quali disvelare il paesaggio urbano ed extraurbano e promuovere un rinnovato senso della comunità. Immaginiamo una nuova forma di democratizzazione dell’energia. Tutti potranno trasformare e scambiare un’energia più libera ed accessibile.
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    ENERGY. Architettura e reti del petrolio e del post-petrolio Fondazione MAXXI, Roma In a time when it is our duty to investigate alternative non-oil based energy sources, Smart Grid represents the most sustainable model in environmental, energetic and economic terms. The nodes in the energy grid will be the power stations of the future: intermodal and social center, in which we will be able to exchange energy and data, and interact socially as if we were in a market, or rather in an energy...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Status Temporary works
    • Type Exhibitions /Installations
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