Sandro Di Bella

Artist/Craftsman Marina di Davoli / Italy

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Sandro Di Bella 2
Sandro Di Bella
The artist Sandro Di Bella is an Analyst Programmatore, you/he/she deals him with Computer science from 1981.
It plans and it realizes advanced systems in automatic telephone answer.

it is an expert in the sector multimediale, where it has operated since 1994, it is endowed with a strong artistic taste that loves to express through the realization of projects multimediali, finalized to the creation of sites Web / DVD / Audiovisual.
You/he/she has realized audiovisual and presentations multi
Sandro Di Bella
Sandro Di Bella
  • Tel +393209791473

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The artist Sandro Di Bella is an Analyst Programmatore, you/he/she deals him with Computer science from 1981. It plans and it realizes advanced systems in automatic telephone answer. it is an expert in the sector multimediale, where it has operated since 1994, it is endowed with a strong artistic taste that loves to express through the realization of projects multimediali, finalized to the creation of sites Web / DVD / Audiovisual. You/he/she has realized audiovisual and presentations multi