Milano Design Week Call #2

Expose your vision at Park Associati

by Filippo Pagliani
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Park Associati (Filippo Pagliani + Michele Rossi) are launching the second edition of their call for applications for young designers offering Park Hub, the exhibition area within their Milan architectural studio, to those wishing to propose their work to the international public of the upcoming Milan Design Week, which will take place from 21st to 26th April 2020.

The call aims to promote a vision that investigates the relationship between design and contemporaneity. The great political, social and cultural changes that are taking place globally are the starting point for an analysis that aims to renew the connection between spaces, objects and people. This also offer the opportunity to give an interpretation of the emerging needs, customs and relationships. Therefore, the observation of private and public contexts opens up the language of design to new perspectives: a criticism tool that strikes a balance between tradition and technology, analysis and creativity.§

Please find the documentation and information on Park Associati website in the section dedicated to DESIGN WEEK CALL.


    • Filippo Pagliani

      Filippo Pagliani


      Milan / Italy

      Nasce a Milano nel 1968 dove si laurea in architettura presso il Politecnico nel 1992. Negli anni successivi e fino al 1996 lavora nello studio di Renzo Piano a Parigi. Tornato a Milano, collabora fino al 1999 con lo studio di Michele De Lucchi dove conosce Michele Rossi. Insieme fondano nel 2000 Park Associati. Lo studio sperimenta negli anni ambiti progettuali e scale costruttive differenti, rinunciando ad una linea stilistica unica per ricercare continuamente suggestioni compositive date dal )
