FROM HOME TO FUTURE by GREEN BLOCK Srl CEO Maria Irene Cardillo Architect

Reflections on responses to emergencies in the construction field

by Maria Irene Cardillo
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The emergency we are experiencing will change the way we live, work and relate socially in the future, when the emergency is overcome.

The current emergency, generated by the spread of a global pandemic, has generated a "social shock": it has highlighted the need to overturn the values that can guarantee services in the future and the necessary "housing comfort", in the broadest sense. of the term, to the end user.

Our professional category will have the responsibility to remodel the priorities in the design of the residential and tertiary sector, for a human-scale architectural offer, even in a state of emergency.

The design response to the states of emergency (from the earthquake to the pandemic) highlights some priorities: needs for building construction in a short time.

This will lead to an inevitable commercial development of dry prefabricated building systems, capable of being able to rebuild neighborhoods destroyed, for example, by natural disasters or to respond to a sudden increase in building requests (field hospitals, temporary housing for emergency workers, etc ...).

These are the aspects that will mainly undergo changes, as regards the construction and urban planning sector:

  • the probable onset of new endemic and / or pandemic crises will entail the need to reorganize the health and civil protection system, on a much more flexible basis than the current ones, with a greater ability to equip highly specialized temporary structures in a short time ( for infectious diseases) and greater healthcare distributed throughout the territory and telemedicine.
  • redevelopment of existing neighborhoods to achieve services such as models that guarantee efficiency and autonomy to the inhabitants.

Virtuous examples of technological innovations which, before the pandemic had collected credits, prizes and awards -therefore ready for accredited industrial commitment- could play an important strategic role in the "reconstruction" of the social and building system.

Light and pre-assembled Building Construction System solution, such as the innovative GREEN BLOCK  System, will allow a real benefit for “sustainable” society. I’m sure that the term "sustainable" will have a new meaning from now on. Anything that has a positive contribution to the life of each user will be sustainable, even in emergency situations. 

GREEN BLOCK ™ is an innovative recyclable Green Building Construction System solution that combines high energy efficiency and low environmental impact with reduced construction costs and very short construction time. It is a Sustainable Modular Architectural System aimed at introducing on the market an innovative holistic approach for green buildings in residential, commercial and industrial modules. This approach involves the entire building and all its innovative subsystems.

GREEN BLOCK ™ offers numerous benefits and economic benefits for the end user compared to conventional construction solutions:

  • greater level of customization (typological and planimetric flexibility)
  • the building elements can be pre-assembled in factory
  • faster delivery and assembly (benefits for emergency)

Faster delivery of the product is advantageous even in an emergency. The system can be pre-assembled in factory and transposed on trucks into already assembled sub-units. Only connection joints are maintained on site for a short assembly time of 1-2 days.

The GREEN BLOCK ™ construction module can be adapted to any environmental condition.



    • Maria Irene Cardillo

      Maria Irene Cardillo


      Rome / Italy

      Architettura Maria Irene Cardillo lavora dal 1992 nella progettazione architettonica di edilizia privata e di opere pubbliche, in ambito nazionale ed internazionale. Esperto di architettura eco-sostenibile. L'Arch. Maria Irene Cardillo è inoltre Amministratore della AE.C.I.s.r.l. Architettura Edilizia Civile Industriale. Dal 2007 la AE.C.I.s.r.l. è società consortile di So.Ri.Ser s.c.r.l., consorzio di imprese su territorio nazionale, che si occupano di sostenibilità ambientale.)