Architects, not Architecture: Dan Stubbergaard

The founder of​ ​Cobe​ is Archilover’s pick of the week

by Archilovers
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As a consequence of Covid-19, our social and cultural life has been reduced to a minimum and allnnof us need to adapt to this unprecedented situation. Architects, not Architecture strongly believes that we all need some positive input in this extraordinary situation.


For this reason, they decided to open their archive and create a source of inspiration and entertainment by sharing one of the unique talks from their previous 35 events, which have never been published before including those of architects like Reiulf RamstadFrancine HoubenDaniel LibeskindTatiana BilbaoPeter Cook, Richard Rogers, Massimiliano Fuksas, Ben van Berkel, Benedetta Tagliabue, Anupama Kundoo, Manuelle Gautrand and Will Alsop.


Every week, Archilovers will be sharing one of the Architects, not Architecture talks.

Our pick for this week is Dan Stubbergaard.


Curiosity, hard work and change. This is how Dan Stubbergaard, founder of​ ​Cobe​, structured his AnA lecture to show the experiences that have formed him as an architect.

Dan Stubbergaard is trained as an architect from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dan founded COBE in 2006 and has since then been the driving force behind all of COBE’s projects – from strong building icons to complex masterplans. Since its establishment, COBE has created numerous award-winning projects. For example, they were awarded with the Iconic Award and Dreyer Foundation’s Honorary Award in 2015, Nykredit’s Architecture Prize 2012, Copenhagen Award for Architecture 2011 for the Best Public Building and Golden Lion from the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2006.

Nordhavn and Orientkaj Metro Stations


The company currently employs about 130 dedicated architects, urban planners, and landscape architects of different nationalities. Alongside his architectural practice, Dan has taught at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, in Copenhagen, and is currently Visiting Professor at the University of Washington, in Seattle, US.


Karen Blixens Plads 


Make sure to also check out the other great talks and join in for their new virtual events. Visit >>






About Architects, not Architecture

AnA aims to bring to the stage what we normally don’t see. We are used to attending lectures given by architects talking about their projects. But what are the inspirations behind them? What relevant experiences made the architect look for specific values? What lessons have they learned on their path? Which encounters influenced them on their way to where they are now? In short, what experiences have shaped the way the architect works? AnA wants to talk about that.


There is one rule at AnA: Architects are not allowed to talk about their projects.


They want to enable us to get to know their architectural approach from a completely different perspective. Having the opportunity to understand what is relevant for the architect, we will be able to understand their projects on a deeper level, without them being mentioned.


Architects, not Architecture was founded by Fermin Tribaldos and Irene Osei-Poku in 2015 in Hamburg, Germany. Since then, the event format has reached national and international attention and is currently present in seven European countries. For each event they invite three well-known architects, who instead of talking about their award-winning international projects, are asked to talk about themselves. They speak about their path, their influences and experiences, and dive deeper into their intellectual biography.


You can find more about the format and their upcoming dates at >>>




Cover photo: © Architects, not Architecture





    Nordhavn and Orientkaj Metro Stations 9

    Nordhavn and Orientkaj Metro Stations

    Copenhagen / Denmark / 2020

    Karen Blixens Plads 57

    Karen Blixens Plads

    Copenhagen / Denmark / 2019