Twenty-five years of experimental teaching promoted by Francesco Moschini in Bari's Politecnico

by Valentina Ieva
4 Love 3060 Visits

For over twenty years the most successful italian and international architects have been present in Apulia. This presence is due to Francesco Moschini’s culture catalyzation. He has transformed his fund, Fondo Francesco Moschini Archivio A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna per le Arti, le Scienze e l’Architettura, in a continuos dialectic flow on architect’s contributions and thinking.

Selection of pictures showing the meetings helded at Bari’s Politecnico in the context of T.E.S.I. Project | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

Through a detailed analysis of history, criticism, project and architecture design, F. Moschini defines a path of rigorous and complex research in order to create critical and educational opportunities. The decision to build a teaching path starting from the guest’s testimonies focuses on the pragmatic value of education. Guests that represent the identity of the contemporary architectural scene. The meetings aim to identify, among the individual personality, linguistic affinities that allow to reconstruct the internal paths and poetic of works.

Selection of locandine realized for Lectiones Magistrales organized by T.E.S.I Projct and hosted by  Bari’s Politecnico | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

The decision to create moments of reflection, on issues related to design, is the common denominator of all the meetings: the architects, in fact, are invited to submit a witness of their own professional production telling the personal use of the tools of research and planning. The contemporary architectural debate appears in all its complexity if we consider the different generations of architects who have contributed to enrich, with lectures and seminars, the teaching activities of the Polytechnic of Bari, in which F. Moschini been operating for over twenty years, and the difficult dialogue with the urban realities on which, generally, there is a strong prejudice.

Selection of locandine realized for Lectiones Magistrales organized by T.E.S.I Projct and hosted by  Bari’s Politecnico | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

From 1992 - year of the historic meeting between Carlo Aymonino, Guido Canella, Aldo Rossi organized by F. Moschini to submit their project proposals for the residential complex of BariAlto – continue in Puglia lectures and conferences held by Moschini’s cultural activity. The series of meetings are thematic and articulated within the complex "Art System".

This is demonstrated by the concisely narrative titles of the cycles: "The project told", held  by Massimo Carmassi, Danilo Guerri, Aimaro Isola, Paolo Portoghesi, Franz Prati, Umberto Riva, Massimo Scolari; "Masters told" with Manlio Brusatin’s relation on Carlo Scarpa, Pippo Ciorra’s relation on Ludovico Quaroni and Giancarlo Priori on Carlo Aymonino and Paolo Portoghesi; "The new generations", with ABDR Architetti Associati’s, Nicola Di Battista’s, Mauro Galantino’s and Efisio Pitzalis’s relations; "Tales of the City" as Berlin, described by Lloyd Marcus Andresen.

Gabriele Basilico e Francesco Moschini during Grabriele Basilico’s Lectio Magistralis, entitled “Milano, lavori in corso”. The event was hosted by Bari’s Politecnico, May 7 1997 | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

Also important are seminars such as the series "Conversations", held by Francesco Cellini, Leon Krier, Vittorio Gregotti, Alessandro Mendini and Antonio Monestiroli; the series "European architecture Routes" with Francisco Barata, Augusto Romano Burelli, Boris Podrecca, Luigi Snozzi, Alcino Soutinho, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Fernando Tavora, Livio Vacchini.

A great rush of culture that arrives until the recent lectiones magistrales held by Dante Bini, Massimiliano Fuksas, Steven Holl, Antonio Ortiz, Franco Purini, Álvaro Siza Vieira and Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra, in which all these architects defines theoretical hallmark of their work.

Francesco Moschini and Franco Purini during Franco Purini’s Lectio Magistralis, entitled “Le parole dello spazio”. The event was hosted by Bari’s Politecnico,  September 26  2008 | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

We have to remember, in addition, the seminars held periodically on the expressive components of the architectural discipline, such as Michele Beccu’s lessons dedicated to "croquis de voyage, Skizzenbuch and travel notes" and Ariella Zattera’s lesson on the "architectural models". Those events are sided by history of architecture "Intensive seminars" and "teaching Marathons", such as those held by Giuseppe Bonaccorso, Emilio Del Gesso, Alessandra Fassio, Giorgio Ortolani.

Selection of locandine  realized during the Architecture History courses, led by Francesco Moschini and hosted by Bari’s Politecnico | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

These are some of the themes and characters that have marked several years, offering a universe theory, history and design new and sediment.

This "teaching"  tradition continues with the TESI Project (European Interuniversity Experimental thesis), an initiative promoted by Francesco Moschini ‘s Fund (Archive AAM Architecture Modern Art for the Arts, Sciences and Architecture), edited by Vincenzo D'Alba and Francesco Maggiore: this project wants to involve, on the same themes, students belonging to different disciplines.

From left: Francesco Moschini, Massimo Cacciari, Francesco Maggiore e Vincenzo D’Alba during Massimo Cacciari’s  Lectio Magistralis , entitled “Idea di Progetto”. The event was hosted by Bari’s Politecnico, May 28 2010 | (c) Flavio Patino | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

Cover image: Massimiliano Fuksas and Francesco Moschini during Massimiliano Fuksas’s Lectio Magistralis, entitled “Sublimi Scribi del Caos”. The event was hosted by Bari’s Politecnico, May 26 2006 | Courtesy of Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna


    • Valentina Ieva

      Valentina Ieva


      Bari / Italy

      Laureata in Ingegneria edile-architettura, giornalista per professione, web writer per diletto. Amante di architettura, design, fotografia e libri di carta. Dipendente dai social, Instagram e InstaStories su tutti. Affamata di vita, viaggi e storie da scoprire. Qualunque forma d'arte mi affascina da sempre e non posso pensare una vita senza: emozioni forti, immaginazione, buona musica, cucina pugliese, sole e gatti. Per dirla con le parole di Battiato, non potrei vivere senza: ‘un soffio al)
