BB Home by H&P Architects in Vietnam

The bamboo housing module that can be built in 25 days

by Malcolm Clark
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BB HOME in Hanoi is a recently completed project by the Vietnamese office H&P Architects.

Vietnam is subject to cyclical natural phenomena such as floods, cyclones and landslides, damaging the area every year. The BB Home (Blooming Bamboo) project, that is making a living unit with low-cost materials that can respond to post-emergency situations, was devised with this fact in mind.

From the bamboo module of 8-10 cm diameter and 3.3 or 6.6 m high, each house is assembled by snap fitting and simple screw fixing. The structure is strong enough to withstand flooding up to 1.50 m.

The module can be used in various ways, from simple house to a school or health centre.

The house can be assembled in 25 days and manufactured using prefabricated modules, at an estimated cost of $ 2,500.

From a formal point of view the use of bamboo allows a structure to be built that retains the vernacular characteristics of Vietnamese architecture.

  • bernardo re

    Questo piccolo manufatto, è TETTONICAMENTE perfetto: il rapporto materiale, struttura, forma è univocamente determinato a tutto vantaggio della qualità dello spazio e della fruizione ambientale dell'organismo. Una piccola, grande opera Organica. arch bernardo re



Hanoi / Vietnam / 2013