Matching landscape and clothing

Shots by Joseph Ford

by Serena L. Rosato
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PHOTOGRAPHY_  Joseph Ford is a young English photographer mostly dedicated to advertising and editorial images of people on location or in studio. 

He works for clients around the world and over the last few years he has also been commissioned to photograph landscapes and aerial images. Recent campaigns have ranged from shooting close-up still life for Hasbro to becoming a PADI qualified diver for an underwater shoot in Guadeloupe. 

This amazing photo series combine aerial and fashion images in a very captivating way: the correspondence of pattern between the aerial view and the fashion clothing is matched artfully, the result is bizarre and quite funny. 

About his work, Joseph says:

"I shot the aerial landscapes 2 years ago, then brainstormed with Mario Faundez and Stephanie Buisseret, the stylist and art director of a French magazine. We shot an initial series of 5 images, which was selected for the Association of Photographers Awards in the UK and had an Honorable Mention in the International Photography Awards. Then a few months ago Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin commissioned another series along the same lines, with their stylist Almut Vogel. With both series, I suggested a collection of aerial images which I thought would lend itself well to the concept, and the stylist then made suggestions as to fashion items which they thought could match/contrast well. We made a shortlist together before the shoot, and spent a couple of days shooting the fashion in studio."


All images © Joseph Ford 2011-13. All rights reserved




  • Serena L. Rosato

    Serena L. Rosato


    Bari / Italy

    Architetto per vocazione, web writer per diletto. Progetta spazi e costruisce idee giocando con pixel e inchiostro, occhi curiosi e delicata ironia. Attenta ai dettagli e distratta dalle novità, costantemente alla ricerca della bellezza delle cose. Dichiarata dipendenza da viaggi, musei e scarpe. ____________________________________________________________ Architect by vocation , web writer for pleasure. She designs and builds spaces ideas playing with ink and pixels, curious eyes and de)