Moon landscape: big installation art piece by Ma Yansong

The Swarovski “Digital Crystal” exhibition at BJDW

by Serena L. Rosato
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EXHIBITION_ During the Beijing Design Week, the architect Ma Yansong - founder of MAD architects - was invited by Swarovski to create “Moon Landscape”, a big installation art piece for the “Digital Crystal” exhibition. 

The mountain-shaped “Moon landscape” is both exhibition space as well as a piece of exhibited art work; it is composed by a group of black polyhedron structures, extending from indoor to outdoor. Walking through the black winding spaces, which feels as a surreal time travel, visitors will see each art piece in turnin each mount. When visitors go up with the stairs at the end of the journey to the overhead of the mountain, they will see the lighting digital moon, hanging over the silhouette-like mountain hills. The surface of moon subtly changes with time between natural scenes to digital image, indicating eternality from past to future. 


The Swarovski “Digital Crystal” exhibition collaborates with some of the most exciting design talents to explore the concept of memory in the fast-developing digital age. Five newly commissioned pieces are from Ma Yansong, Liu Feng, Li Dinghan, Shi Jianmin, and Songtao, alongside art pieces from Western designers such as Ron Arad, Arik Levy, Maarten Baas, Random International, and Yves Béhar. Every designer explores with their unique perspectives how memory is felt in the digital age, as well as the relation between people and the constant change of things, environment and time.


    • Serena L. Rosato

      Serena L. Rosato


      Bari / Italy

      Architetto per vocazione, web writer per diletto. Progetta spazi e costruisce idee giocando con pixel e inchiostro, occhi curiosi e delicata ironia. Attenta ai dettagli e distratta dalle novità, costantemente alla ricerca della bellezza delle cose. Dichiarata dipendenza da viaggi, musei e scarpe. ____________________________________________________________ Architect by vocation , web writer for pleasure. She designs and builds spaces ideas playing with ink and pixels, curious eyes and de)
