Christmas time in the city: turn the lights on!

Fête des Lumières Lyon 2013

by Serena L. Rosato
3 Love 2460 Visits


INSTALLATION_ Once again, the public was there in Lyon for the 15th edition of the Festival of lights that ended this Monday the 9th of December. During these 4 magic nights, inhabitants of Lyon and visitors gathered to stroll about in a friendly atmosphere. Going all over the city, everyone could see the arising emotion and discover a great range of creations.



800 000 visitors have been fascinated by the amazing epic of Prince des Lumières by Damien Fontaine, on Terreaux square. Pierrot le feu has set ablaze the Bellecour square that had never been so crowed: 500 000 spectators amazed with videos, projections and pyrotechnics directed by Joseph Couturier


Le Prince des Lumières / Damien Fontaine - Fête des Lumières 2013 © Frédéric Guignard-Perret


Pierrot le feu / Joseph Couturier - Fête des Lumières 2013 ©  Frédéric Guignard-Perret


Programmed for the first time, the Lyon fresco (Mur des Lyonnais) was a success with Dessine-moi des lumières created with the collaboration of Emile Cohl School, experts of Cité Creation (painted  walls) and the young team Theoriz crew. Hôtel-Dieu was a hit once again: nearly 105 000 smiling spectators going through Caresses climatiques a jungle of creepers created by Alain Benini.


Mur des Lyonnais - Fête des Lumières 2013 ©  Frédéric Guignard-Perret


Caresses climatiques  - Fête des Lumières 2013 ©  Frédéric Guignard-Perret


Visitors were many this year to go off tracks up and down the city centre. Confluence area has attracted 26 000 spectators for Grid in the Coutnty Hall, a contemporary and poetic ballet with 150 leds installed by Christopher Bauder. Between the Croix-Rousse tunnel and the Rhône river banks, 160 000 visitors re-discovered the Tête d’or park, ravished by the sweet Zen atmosphere of the Chinese Corner created by Li LI.


Le Grid / Christopher Bauder - Fête des Lumières 2013 © Paul Bourdrel



Chinese Corner / Li LI - Fête des Lumières 2013 ©  Muriel Chaulet, Frédéric Guignard-Perret



The new Croix-Rousse Tunnel open especially for the Festival of lights has been visited by many pedestrians and cyclists: 102 000 came by day or night to discover Skertzo’s universe. Up Croix-Rousse hill on Gros Caillou esplanade, a colourful maze made by Jérôme Toq’r, was a major spot. On the other bank of the Rhône, 1 000 came every night on the Hospital Saint-Luc Saint-Joseph terraces to listen to Le Coeur à l’ouvrage created by Annick Picchio.


Anamorphose / Skertzò - Fête des Lumières 2013 © Muriel Chaulet



In every district, Boulevard des Etats-Unis, Place Belleville, Saint-Jus, inhabitants have celebrated the 8th of December, taking part in many shows and strolls.


Fête des Lumières 2013 ©  Frédéric Guignard-Perret


Fête des Lumières 2013 © Muriel Chaulet 



    • Serena L. Rosato

      Serena L. Rosato


      Bari / Italy

      Architetto per vocazione, web writer per diletto. Progetta spazi e costruisce idee giocando con pixel e inchiostro, occhi curiosi e delicata ironia. Attenta ai dettagli e distratta dalle novità, costantemente alla ricerca della bellezza delle cose. Dichiarata dipendenza da viaggi, musei e scarpe. ____________________________________________________________ Architect by vocation , web writer for pleasure. She designs and builds spaces ideas playing with ink and pixels, curious eyes and de)