Kiasmo: "Made by collection"

Discovering a plot of architecture, art, design and fashion

by Valentina Ieva
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Kiasmo is a company founded in Lecce in 2011 by Vincenzo D'Alba, Francesco Maggiore e Mauro Melissano. As expressed its name, objective of the company is to give unity, through the "plot", to the disciplines of architecture, art, design and fashion.

Kiasmo is composed by a group of research and work devoted to the design and the construction of objects characterized by originality and a high definition of detail: product of synergies between the world of art, craft and industry. Kiasmo answers to its customers needs with a creation of unique and exclusive artifacts.

Sketches by Vincenzo D'Alba related to the logo design. Courtesy Kiasmo srl

Photographs by Vincenzo D'Alba from the series "Beyond"

Sketches by Vincenzo D'Alba related to the ceramic vases design. Courtesy Kiasmo srl


In its early years the society has created a line of products that are identified in a recognizable design model. These products are appreciated on a large, but selective, market. Francesco Maggiore, the creative director, embodied the society mission in the motto "Made by collection": give to each product a collectible value.


The first art and fashion products are designed by the architect and designer Vincenzo D'Alba: his previous works are in the collection of MAXXI, AAM Architecture Modern Art, in the National Academy of San Luca, in the National Institute of Graphic Arts. Kiasmo collections are precious and eternal, they seem to be already eligible to become a classic, in continuity with the "Made in Italy".

The "Circle" series of ceramic vases consists of six unique handmade pieces decorated with geometric and figurative patterns. Each vase is signed by the author. Designer Vincenzo D'Alba | Creative Director Francesco Maggiore


We have invited the designer Vincenzo D'Alba to an interview, so he has told us how Kiasmo was born:


When your relationship with Kiasmo was born and what characterizes your partnership?

The relationship was extraordinary from the beginning. All my design proposals have been received with great enthusiasm. This atmosphere of respect and trust is essential for me in order to think and plan works in full freedom and serenity.

What are the strengths of a newcomer society as Kiasmo?

Kiasmo embodies, at the same time, aspects of the craft culture and aspects of industrial production without compromising the quality of projects.

What have you been charged to design?

I was invited to design objects characterized by longevity and quality. The aspiration of Kiasmo, as stated by Mauro Melissano (CEO), is to transmit a heritage to the future.

What are the next projects?

After the production of vases and plates (ceramic presswork), the next  highly complex challenge concerns fashion and high fashion. Thanks to creative director Francesco Maggiore’s perseverance, a collection of bags and t-shirts will soon be on the market. These collections, following Kiasmo’s philosophy, will have an highly innovative nature.

Sketches by Vincenzo D'Alba related to the ceramic vases design. Courtesy Kiasmo srl

Handmade ceramic disk with geometric and figurative decorations. Single work signed by the author

Sketches by Vincenzo D'Alba, from the fashion notebooks, related to the t-shirts printing design

Series “Metope”, Concrete sculpture. Designed by Vincenzo D’Alba


Images are shot by Kiasmo, without any post-production intervention. Each picture is printed by the author. All the works and products by kiasmo can be purchased at


Cover image: Artist: Vincenzo D'Alba Name: Beyond 6 Series: Beyond Year of production: 2003 Size: 19.5 x 26 cm


You can follow Kiasmo on Archilovers, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube.


    • Valentina Ieva

      Valentina Ieva


      Bari / Italy

      Laureata in Ingegneria edile-architettura, giornalista per professione, web writer per diletto. Amante di architettura, design, fotografia e libri di carta. Dipendente dai social, Instagram e InstaStories su tutti. Affamata di vita, viaggi e storie da scoprire. Qualunque forma d'arte mi affascina da sempre e non posso pensare una vita senza: emozioni forti, immaginazione, buona musica, cucina pugliese, sole e gatti. Per dirla con le parole di Battiato, non potrei vivere senza: ‘un soffio al)
