Studio AlkyTECA

Architect Catania / Italy

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Studio AlkyTECA 23
Studio AlkyTECA
Studio AlkyTECA + Partners: Simona SCILLA landscape architect | Benny DI SILVESTRO building engineer | Studio AlkyTECA also operates in many countries around the world through partnerships with local companies and profesional Studies | ADDRESSES: ITALY: Studio AlkyTECA | Architecture & Engineering | via Quintino Sella 38/a - 95129 Catania [Italy | | PARTNERS: ESPAÑA c/o ArqTacto [Belén Borràs Guardiola arquitecta] Barcelona [España] - G
Studio AlkyTECA
Studio AlkyTECA
  • Address Via Quintino Sella, 38/a, 95129 Catania | Italy

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