Susanna Tradati

Architect Rome / Italy

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Susanna Tradati
Susanna Tradati (Brescia, 1974) graduated in Architecture at the "Politecnico di
Milano" in 1999.

She first began working with Michele Molè in 2004 with Nemesi, and then, since 2008, as an associate partner of "Nemesi&Partners". She has overseen the strategic and operational management of various projects, including the
Italy Pavilion at Milan Expo 2015.

She holds the position of Head of Communications and External Relations, also with regard to internationalisation strategies.
Susanna Tradati
Susanna Tradati
  • Address Via di Pietralata, 163, 00158 Rome | Italy
  • Tel +39 0645439167
  • Fax +39 0668892747

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Susanna Tradati (Brescia, 1974) graduated in Architecture at the "Politecnico di Milano" in 1999. She first began working with Michele Molè in 2004 with Nemesi, and then, since 2008, as an associate partner of "Nemesi&Partners". She has overseen the strategic and operational management of various projects, including the Italy Pavilion at Milan Expo 2015. She holds the position of Head of Communications and External Relations, also with regard to internationalisation strategies.