Svetlana Mojic

Architect Novi Sad / Serbia

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Svetlana Mojic
Svetlana Mojic holds two masters degrees, one in Architecture and one in Yacht Design and construction. In 2010, Svetlana was awarded by Belgrade Desgn Week as ``”One of the 10 most successful creatives that has marked the previous year of the creative industry of Serbia”. Svetlana was a member Serbian Sailing National team for over a decade.
Svetlana Mojic
Svetlana Mojic
  • Address 6 Veljka Petrovića, 21000 Novi Sad | Serbia

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Svetlana Mojic holds two masters degrees, one in Architecture and one in Yacht Design and construction. In 2010, Svetlana was awarded by Belgrade Desgn Week as ``”One of the 10 most successful creatives that has marked the previous year of the creative industry of Serbia”. Svetlana was a member Serbian Sailing National team for over a decade.