Edoardo Milesi & Archos

Architecture Firm Albino / Italy

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Edoardo Milesi & Archos 39
Edoardo Milesi & Archos
An hectare is the unit of measurement we have chosen to immerse our work as architects in nature, to cultivate and nurture our projects in harmony with it and its elements, based on the fundamental assumption that the architect's profession is not seen as a specialist in construction or the management of inhabited territory, but rather as the art of dwelling.

Founded in 1990 by Edoardo Milesi, the Archos studio has always been oriented towards sustainable construction to shape the environment through a "strong" perspective of reality, harmoniously combining environmental awareness with social commitment. Each project stems from the experience of a diverse team of collaborators united by a common passion and the ability to pursue a consistent method and a shared vision. This unity of intent is tangibly manifested in the works, which are the result of continuous technological research to address contemporary challenges and a deep involvement in cultural discourse.

Our projects range from the conservative restoration of national monuments to large-scale urban transformations, from industrial complexes to advanced tertiary contexts, from private residences to facilities for tourism and culture, from educational places to places of worship and entertainment. In every context, the goal remains to define spaces as places of connection, considering social, political, and economic dynamics and shaping them to reflect the needs and behaviors of people.
Edoardo Milesi & Archos
Edoardo Milesi & Archos
  • Address Via Valle del Muto, 25, 24021 Albino | Italy
  • Tel +39035772499

An hectare is the unit of measurement we have chosen to immerse our work as architects in nature, to cultivate and nurture our projects in harmony with it and its elements, based on the fundamental assumption that the architect's profession is not seen as a specialist in construction or the management of inhabited territory, but rather as the art of dwelling. Founded in 1990 by Edoardo Milesi, the Archos studio has always been oriented towards sustainable construction to shape the...

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