
Architecture Firm New York / United States

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studioMDA was founded by Markus Dochantschi in New York City in 2002 with the mission of challenging the boundaries of design. studioMDA’s approach is to creatively engage all parties at the very beginning, forming an inspirational collaboration in defining design. Calling on a wide range of consultants beyond the designer’s typical collaboration, studioMDA has teamed with artists, video artists, and choreographers, among others, to define space generated by various artistic endeavors. Within this context, the developed design language can become layered into micro and macro scales, balancing from the smallest detail to the topographical/urban fabric.

studioMDA was founded by Markus Dochantschi in New York City in 2002 with the mission of challenging the boundaries of design. studioMDA’s approach is to creatively engage all parties at the very beginning, forming an inspirational collaboration in defining design. Calling on a wide range of consultants beyond the designer’s typical collaboration, studioMDA has teamed with artists, video artists, and choreographers, among others, to define space generated by various artistic endeavors. Within...
