Architecture Firm Milan / Italy

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AARCH-MI, ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS MILAN ITALY was founded by the will of a young group of Italian architects to promote the Italian architectural culture in the world, from established and traditional themes as the villa and the tall buildings, up to current urban, planning and landscape studies.

The group has formed through the studies and research on the international debate on cities and countryside, that took place from the 70s on, which made the central contribution of some architects and teachers of the School of Milan, is now proposing projects at different scales, from architecture to planning, linked by a precise research for solutions practiced at every level of detail without interruption.

As we have been taught by our best (ancient and modern) Masters, sparingly, severity and passion.

And with the knowledge that the real luxury is quality without compromises.
  • Address Via Pietro Marocco, 3, 20127 Milan | Italy
  • Tel +390236508735

AARCH-MI, ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS MILAN ITALY was founded by the will of a young group of Italian architects to promote the Italian architectural culture in the world, from established and traditional themes as the villa and the tall buildings, up to current urban, planning and landscape studies. The group has formed through the studies and research on the international debate on cities and countryside, that took place from the 70s on, which made the central contribution of some architects and...

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