Urban Movement Design

Architecture Firm New York / United States

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Urban Movement Design
Urban Movement Design is an interdisciplinary design firm who’s prime intention is to problem-solve our the building of the new world that is upon us. We work under the premise of Human Sustainability, and believe in the power of collaboration and the joining of forces to promote true innovation, which is where change lies. There is nothing new under the sun, only the power of collaboration breeds innovation. Urban Movement Design’s founders, both trained in architecture and various movement therapies and modalities, encourage team members and collaboration within all other disciplines. We consider our work a partnership from beginning to end, with client, user, fabricators and builders. Urban Movement Design has been active in helping to raise awareness of inclusive and active design, under the principle that environments which do not encourage healthy and active living for all make everyone disabled. UMD has been active in both keynoting as well as coordinating ‘Fit City’, an annual event put on at the AIA New York in collaboration with the Health Department, Department of Design and Construction and various other city agencies, which led to the publication of ‘The Active Design Guidelines’ put out by the City of New York in 2010. UMD’s work was featured in the ‘Inclusive Design Guidelines’ put out by New York City’s Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities in 2010 and were also featured as keynote speakers at its launch. UMD coordinated and collaborated on two workshops at AIA National Convention in New Orleans in 2011 with AIA New York, NY Health Dept, NY DDC and NY DCP. UMD has also offered the ‘health breaks’, guiding the workshop audiences with breathing and exercise techniques to create better work environments by decreasing stress and tension in the body. UMD’s design for disability encourages active living and supportive poses for increased health and healing for those in often compromised positions, with designs ranging from grab bars to bath chairs and couches. UMD has worked on public design projects such as Whistler Athlete Village for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics as well as a large public park in Liuzhou China, and most recently has been awarded the winner of YAP MAXXI 2012 with its Rome Office, installing its project ‘UNIRE/UNITE’ in June 2012.
Urban Movement Design
Urban Movement Design

Urban Movement Design is an interdisciplinary design firm who’s prime intention is to problem-solve our the building of the new world that is upon us. We work under the premise of Human Sustainability, and believe in the power of collaboration and the joining of forces to promote true innovation, which is where change lies. There is nothing new under the sun, only the power of collaboration breeds innovation. Urban Movement Design’s founders, both trained in architecture and various movement...
