RMDM Architectes

Team Saint-Ouen / France

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RMDM Architectes
True and creative, RMDM Architects agency puts its energy in the research of a senseful architecture, responding to the events that surround it, entire and poetical, ambitious indeed, but far from the obviousnesses of the conventional. Since 2001, creation year of the agency following to their Europan VI award, the 3 associates Eric Dolent, Philippe Maillols and Alexandre de Muizon’s architectural biases have been dictated by the alliance of the unique and the coherent. This process leads them towards a present work, sensible, generating identity and atmospheres, where aims and constraints stay mastered and heard like inputs of new opportunities. This is certainly this alchemy between artistic approach and contextual consideration that brings them to win in 2002 the “The new albums of the young architects” first session competition and to exhibit at the 8th Architecture Biennale in Venice and at the 1st Architecture Biennale in Beijing. Having today the support and confidence of some famous public and private clients, in France and abroad, RMDM Architects validate continuously their approach through various projects at every scale. To renew the urban face in retranscribing the questionings of a reliable architecture aiming to affirm intrinsic qualities of the built beyond the plans, to seek the added values in terms of practicality and use comfort. These are the motivations that animate RMDM Architects’ technical analysis and modeling developments. [FR] Franche et créative, l’agence RMDM Architectes place son énergie dans la recherche d’une architecture qui a du sens, répondant aux événements qui l’entourent, entière et poétique, ambitieuse certes, mais loin des évidences du convenu. Depuis 2001, année de création de l’agence suite à la victoire d’Europan VI, les partis pris architecturaux des 3 associés Eric Dolent, Philippe Maillols et Alexandre de Muizon restent dictés par l’alliance de l’unique et du cohérent. Ce processus les mène vers un travail actuel, sensible, générateur d’identité et d’atmosphères, où enjeux et contraintes restent maîtrisés et entendus comme facteurs de nouvelles opportunités. C’est sans doute cette alchimie entre démarche artistique et réflexion contextuelle qui les amena en 2002 à remporter la première session des Nouveaux Albums des Jeunes Architectes et leur a valu d’être exposés à la 8ème Biennale d’Architecture de Venise ainsi qu’à la 1ère Biennale d’Architecture de Pékin.
RMDM Architectes
RMDM Architectes
  • Address 18, rue des Bons Enfants, 93400 Saint-Ouen | France
  • Tel +33140108709

True and creative, RMDM Architects agency puts its energy in the research of a senseful architecture, responding to the events that surround it, entire and poetical, ambitious indeed, but far from the obviousnesses of the conventional. Since 2001, creation year of the agency following to their Europan VI award, the 3 associates Eric Dolent, Philippe Maillols and Alexandre de Muizon’s architectural biases have been dictated by the alliance of the unique and the coherent. This process leads them...
