Fries & Zumbühl

Design Firm Winterthur / Switzerland

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Fries & Zumbühl
During our studies at the ZHdK we had to do a teamwork and thus very quickly became aware of our complementary qualities. The result of this product was our first joint serial product. In spite of our successful teamwork during our studies we both first went our own way and we used to meet again for selected project jobs Out of this loose teamwork with separate places of work grew a steadily closer co-operation which made it inevitable to work in the same place. The different way of thinking and working of both Kevin Fries and Jakob Zumbühl has been the key to our successes so far. The background of our first training and the manifold interests besides the world of design complement each other perfectly in our way of working. Since 2007 fries&zumbühl has had ist home in an old industrial building which offers enough room for new ideas and experimental work.
Fries & Zumbühl
Fries & Zumbühl
  • Address zur kesselschmiede 29, 8400 Winterthur | Switzerland
  • Tel +41433335330

During our studies at the ZHdK we had to do a teamwork and thus very quickly became aware of our complementary qualities. The result of this product was our first joint serial product. In spite of our successful teamwork during our studies we both first went our own way and we used to meet again for selected project jobs Out of this loose teamwork with separate places of work grew a steadily closer co-operation which made it inevitable to work in the same place. The different way of thinking...

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