Belgium is Design

Team Belgium

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Belgium is Design
‘Belgium is Design’ is a declarat ion of passion for design, highl ight ing the unique character ist ics of Belgium’s creat ive product ion. A joint declarat ion between the three di f ferent regions in the count ry, i t recognizes that Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia are host to var ious talented designers that t ranscend cul tural , l inguist ic and sociological di f ferences to form a unique style. I t is an approach that qual i f ies the statement ‘Belgium is Design’ .
Belgium is Design
Belgium is Design

‘Belgium is Design’ is a declarat ion of passion for design, highl ight ing the unique character ist ics of Belgium’s creat ive product ion. A joint declarat ion between the three di f ferent regions in the count ry, i t recognizes that Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia are host to var ious talented designers that t ranscend cul tural , l inguist ic and sociological di f ferences to form a unique style. I t is an approach that qual i f ies the statement ‘Belgium is Design’ .

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