ESTUDIO BRA Arquitetura

Architecture Firm São Paulo / Brazil

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ESTUDIO BRA Arquitetura 8
ESTUDIO BRA Arquitetura
The Estúdio BRA Arquitetura was founded in 2012 by André Di Gregorio and Rodrigo Maçonilio, architects and urban planners from the Faculdade Belas Artes in São Paulo. Even before graduation they received national recognition when they were awarded by the Brazilian Center of Steel Construction [CBCA] at a national competition of architectural projects for a school.

Today, in its short history, Estúdio BRA already collects a total of 6 projects awarded in public architecture contests, in addition to being part of the exhibition "ROTAS" (portuguese for Routes) organized by the MuBA (Fine Art Museum of Sao Paulo).

André and Rodrigo consolidate in Estúdio BRA their comprehensive and multidisciplinary view of architecture that, always open to partnerships and collaborations, moves from the residential scale to the questions of the metropolis.
An architecture that is essentially contemporary and adaptable to the most diverse scales and programs.
ESTUDIO BRA Arquitetura
ESTUDIO BRA Arquitetura
  • Address R. Dr. Cesário Mota Júnior 369, 01221-020 São Paulo | Brazil

The Estúdio BRA Arquitetura was founded in 2012 by André Di Gregorio and Rodrigo Maçonilio, architects and urban planners from the Faculdade Belas Artes in São Paulo. Even before graduation they received national recognition when they were awarded by the Brazilian Center of Steel Construction [CBCA] at a national competition of architectural projects for a school. Today, in its short history, Estúdio BRA already collects a total of 6 projects awarded in public architecture contests, in...

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