Sebastian Irarrazaval Architects

Architecture Firm Santiago del Cile / Chile

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Sebastian Irarrazaval Architects 24
Sebastian Irarrazaval Architects
Sebastian Irarrazaval Architects are based in Santiago de Chile since 1993. Projects range from single family housing to office building and hotels. The approach to architectural design combines theory and practice. As a result, innovative and well-crafted results are expected for every particular commission. Projects have been published worldwide in specialized magazines and books, among them: ARQ, Casabella, Arquitectura Viva, A+U and Phaydon. Practice work has also being exhibited locally and abroad. Recent exhibitions include XV Chilean Architectural Biennial, GSD Harvard University and Venice Biennale. The studio was recently featured by "*Wallpaper" as one of the 101 world’s most interesting emerging practices, by V&D of El Mercurio as one of the most influential Chilean architects and received the People Choice Award in the Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture in China
Sebastian Irarrazaval Architects
Sebastian Irarrazaval Architects

Sebastian Irarrazaval Architects are based in Santiago de Chile since 1993. Projects range from single family housing to office building and hotels. The approach to architectural design combines theory and practice. As a result, innovative and well-crafted results are expected for every particular commission. Projects have been published worldwide in specialized magazines and books, among them: ARQ, Casabella, Arquitectura Viva, A+U and Phaydon. Practice work has also being exhibited locally...
