Kevin Daly Architects

Architecture Firm Santa Monica / United States

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Kevin Daly Architects 5
Kevin Daly Architects
STUDIO HISTORY Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects is a prac­tice rooted in the be­lief that ar­chi­tec­ture has the power to trans­form the every­day built en­vi­ron­ment. Since es­tab­lish­ing the firm in 1991 as Daly Genik Ar­chi­tects and now as Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects, Kevin Daly has guided a de­sign process that up­holds the prac­ti­cal magic of ar­chi­tec­ture –an alchemy of craft, ma­te­ri­als, and form. But­tressed by pro­ject-di­rected re­search, the work of Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects in­ter­weaves in­no­va­tion in tech­nol­ogy and fab­ri­ca­tion, sus­tain­abil­ity and ur­ban­ism, liv­abil­ity and econ­omy. The firm’s award-win­ning port­fo­lio in­cludes en­vi­ron­men­tally and so­cially re­spon­sive ed­u­ca­tional, res­i­den­tial, and in­sti­tu­tional pro­jects rang­ing in scale from sin­gle-room artist work­spaces to cam­pus mas­ter plan­ning. Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects is par­tic­u­larly rec­og­nized for re­claim­ing and trans­form­ing sites char­ac­ter­is­tic of the ur­ban fab­ric, turn­ing generic back­ground build­ings into mod­els of com­mu­nity iden­tity. The prac­tice has been rec­og­nized with over thirty AIA awards, the Rudy Bruner Foun­da­tion’s Gold Medal for Ur­ban Ex­cel­lence, and the AIA/​LA’s Firm of the Year Award. The prac­tice’s body of work has been fea­tured in nu­mer­ous pub­li­ca­tions and web sites in­clud­ing The New York Times, The Los An­ge­les Times, Do­mus, A + U, Newsweek, Time, Me­trop­o­lis, Ar­chi­tect, Ar­chi­tec­tural Record, Fast Com­pany, T Mag­a­zine, and Azure.
Kevin Daly Architects
Kevin Daly Architects
  • Address 1558 C 10th Street, 90405 Santa Monica | United States

STUDIO HISTORY Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects is a prac­tice rooted in the be­lief that ar­chi­tec­ture has the power to trans­form the every­day built en­vi­ron­ment. Since es­tab­lish­ing the firm in 1991 as Daly Genik Ar­chi­tects and now as Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects, Kevin Daly has guided a de­sign process that up­holds the prac­ti­cal magic of ar­chi­tec­ture –an alchemy of craft, ma­te­ri­als, and form. But­tressed by pro­ject-di­rected re­search, the work of Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects in­ter­weaves...