RS+ Robert Skitek

Architecture Firm Tychy / Poland

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RS+ Robert Skitek 17
RS+ Robert Skitek
Robert Skitek (1975) graduated in 1999 at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University in Gliwice. He has run his own studio RS+ in 2001.
Robert has received numerous awards and mentions in design competions and for architecture realisations, including mention in the “Young Artist of Architecture” (2008).
Studio does not focus on one type of buildings. So far creates small but specific and various structures: one family houses (two barns house in Tychy), private and public interiors (wedding hall in Tychy), modernizations (modern high school building in Tychy, awarded in the competition "Architecture of the Year of Silesian Voivodeship 2013” competition) and a small landscapes projects (water playground in Tychy – web survey award and mention in the competition Best Public Space Silesian Voivodeship 2012). Projects are created on the basis of careful analysis and predictions of use of the object by users in terms of today's challenges and opportunities with respect to the existing cultural and landscape values.
RS+ Robert Skitek
RS+ Robert Skitek
  • Address Nalkowskiej 4a/49, 43-100 Tychy | Poland
  • Tel (+48) 605 636 683

Robert Skitek (1975) graduated in 1999 at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University in Gliwice. He has run his own studio RS+ in 2001. Robert has received numerous awards and mentions in design competions and for architecture realisations, including mention in the “Young Artist of Architecture” (2008). Studio does not focus on one type of buildings. So far creates small but specific and various structures: one family houses (two barns house in Tychy), private and public...

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