SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin

Architecture Firm Fribourg / Switzerland

4 Followers 2,298 Visits
SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin 4
SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
Villa F 4 11

Villa F

Avry-devant-Pont / Switzerland / 2015

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
8 villas jumelées / 8 ville binate 1

8 villas jumelées / 8 ville binate

Corserey / Switzerland / 2015

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
Villa BR 2 3

Villa BR

Vuadens / Switzerland / 2014

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
2x5 3


Sorens / Switzerland / 2013

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
3 Chalets Contemporains 6 1

3 Chalets Contemporains

Corbières / Switzerland / 2012

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
12 Villas 3

12 Villas

Farvagny / Switzerland / 2011

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
Villa R 2

Villa R

Matran / Switzerland / 2010

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
Les Rives 2

Les Rives

Vallamand / Switzerland / 2010

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
Masterplan Corminboeuf 1

Masterplan Corminboeuf

Corminboeuf / Switzerland / 2010

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
Villa Black 2

Villa Black

Posieux / Switzerland / 2009

SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
SWeeT architecture is an Architecture & Design studio based in Fribourg (Switzerland) and Turin (Italy).
SWeeT architecture was founded in 2009 under the name of LRS architecture by Luca Reverso Sargentin, who trained and graduated at the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2004.
SWeeT architecture specialized in Architecture and Interior design: our objective is to create the "feeling of being at home" in contemporary customized spaces, with a special attention to the people living there.
SWeeT architecture aims at adding value to buildings, live and work spaces: by planning buildings’ transformations and redevelopment, we give new life and market value to places that had become inadequate to live or work in.
SWeeT architecture creates spaces where aesthetics, harmony and functionality combine together in a balanced way: each activity has its scenography in the buildings’ Interior; designing interiors for living, working, enjoying and relaxing aims at contributing to people’s well-being. The added value we create by designing the buildings’ lighting, colours, furniture and finishing is to generate daily life experiences in customized and personalized spaces.
SWeeT architecture counts on a collaborative network with other Swiss and Italian professionals, working in the world of design, architecture, contemporary craft and project management. This allows us to tackle small and large scale projects everywhere and in a flexible way.

SWeeT architecture est un bureau d'architecture basée à Fribourg (Suisse) et Turin (Italie).
SWeeT architecture a été crée en 2009 en tant que LRSarchitecture, un bureau fondée par Luca Reverso Sargentin, qui a terminé ses études à l'Ecole Polytechnique de Turin en 2004.
SWeeT architecture s’occupe d’architecture et d’architecture d’intérieur: notre objectif est de créer la "sensation d’être chez soi" dans des espaces contemporains, personnalisés et à l’écoute des besoins de ses habitants.
SWeet architecture s’occupe de la mise en valeur des bâtiments, des espaces de vie ou de travail: par nos projets de transformation et de réaménagement, nous redonnons vie et valeur de marché à des endroits qui ne pouvaient désormais plus être utilisés pour y vivre ou travailler.
SWeeT architecture crée des espaces où l'esthétique, l'harmonie et la fonctionnalité se combinent de manière équilibrée: chaque activité trouve sa scénographie à l'intérieur des bâtiments; concevoir des intérieurs pour y vivre, travailler, s’amuser et se détendre vise à contribuer au bien-être des gens. La valeur ajoutée que nous apportons, en concevant à travers le système d'éclairage, les couleurs, les meubles, les finitions, est le fait de générer des expériences de vie quotidienne à l'intérieur d’espaces sur mesure et personnalisés.
SWeeT architecture se sert d'un réseau de collaboration avec d’autres réalités professionnelles suisses et italiennes, liées au monde du design, du projet, de l'artisanat contemporain et de la gestion de projet. Cela nous permet de suivre des projets à petite et grande échelle partout et de manière flexible.

SWeeT architecture è un studio di architettura basato a Fribourg (Svizzera) e Torino (Italia).
SWeeT architecture nasce nel 2009 come LRSarchitecture, studio fondato da Luca Reverso Sargentin, che si è formato e laureato presso il Politecnico di Torino nel 2004.
SWeeT architecture si occupa di architettura e interior design: il nostro obiettivo è creare la “sensazione di casa” all’interno di spazi contemporanei, personalizzati e attenti alle esigenze di chi li vive.
SWeeT architecture si occupa di ridare valore a edifici, spazi abitativi o di lavoro: attraverso progetti di trasformazione e riqualificazione, ridiamo nuova vita e valore di mercato a luoghi diventati inadeguati per vivere o lavorare.
SweeT architecture crea spazi dove estetica, armonia e funzionalità si combinano in modo equilibrato: ogni attività ha come scenografia l’interno degli edifici; Progettare interni per vivere, lavorare, divertirsi e rilassarsi ha come obiettivo quello di contribuire al benessere delle persone. Il valore aggiunto che generiamo progettando l’illuminazione, i colori, i mobili, le finiture, è quello di generare esperienze di vita quotidiana in spazi su misura e personalizzati.
SWeeT architecture si avvale di un network collaborativo con altre realtà professionali svizzere e italiane, legate al mondo del design, del progetto, dell’artigianato contemporaneo e del project management. Questo ci permette di affrontare progetti a piccola e grande scala ovunque ed in modo flessibile.
SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
  • luca.reverso.sargentin

EN SWeeT architecture is an Architecture & Design studio based in Fribourg (Switzerland) and Turin (Italy). SWeeT architecture was founded in 2009 under the name of LRS architecture by Luca Reverso Sargentin, who trained and graduated at the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2004. SWeeT architecture specialized in Architecture and Interior design: our objective is to create the "feeling of being at home" in contemporary customized spaces, with a special attention to the people living...
