coil kazuteru matumura architects

Design Firm Osaka / Japan

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coil kazuteru matumura architects

About my design works,
After graduated from Kyoto Seika University I worked at Hiroshi Shoji Building Workshop for 3 and a half years, experienced design management of houses and condominiums. In 2003, certified the First class Architect in Japan and established Coil Kazuteru Matumura Architects. And rented the space with my friend who is fashion designer, then, designed and constructioned there as a designer's boutique and my architectural office(refer to Project Toi in 2003). After established office, worked mainly on house design, and few store design. However 'Satoduto 2014' not only included shop design and branding design as well (store name, logo, sign design, shop card etc) . And still continueing our good relationships with this shop like a member of real staff for various corporation and advice at events etc.

About my interests,
From living in designed and renovated to the terracehouse myself in 2014, at that time, joining the events related to the community of the town actively participating made my interests growing up.
Liked SAKE not only taste also knowing new way of making and enjoing. Other things, likes Japanese sub-culture of animation and comics etc. Sometime attending to the pottery class as a hobby and also makeing my own dishes, brooches and buttons etc for useing it. Thinking that it is my ideal to live beside things with "handmade" as much as possible, so it is very rich and luxurious for my life. 
coil kazuteru matumura architects
coil kazuteru matumura architects

趣味として始めた陶芸教室での制作により、 身の廻りを出来る限り「手」の入った物に囲まれて暮らす事が、 自分の理想だという事を再確認しました。 縁があり知り合った人々が、丁寧に手をかけた様子を 見せて・聞かせて貰う。 そして、それを自分が納得して、使わせて貰う。 単純ながら、とても豊かで贅沢なことだと思っています。 そんな様々な形で受けている恩恵を、 生業として建築設計をしてる自分に出来る形で、 廻りの方々に返し拡げていければと考えています。 手の跡の残る設計を一緒にさせて頂きます。 About my design works, After graduated from Kyoto Seika University I worked at Hiroshi Shoji Building Workshop for 3 and a half years, experienced design management of houses and condominiums. In 2003, certified the First class Architect in...

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