Emporio Orenga

Architecture Firm Florence / Italy

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Emporio Orenga
Emporio Orenga was a shop in a small town, Rivello, in southern Italy.

Founded in the early 50s by the lucan entrepreneur Nicola Orenga, Emporio Orenga became immediately a unifying element of an entire community.

When Italy was projected at high speed towards the conquest of the welfare, at the dawn of a period characterized by a growing consumerism, Nicola cultivated his business with passion, ethics and vision.

Emporio Orenga was reborn in 2012, first as an art gallery then as an architectural firm, making Nicola's lesson its own engine.

A shop, a small school, an ethical path in search of the essence of space and form.
Emporio Orenga
Emporio Orenga
  • Address Via della Piazzuola, 1, 50133 Florence | Italy
  • Tel 0555522662

Emporio Orenga was a shop in a small town, Rivello, in southern Italy. Founded in the early 50s by the lucan entrepreneur Nicola Orenga, Emporio Orenga became immediately a unifying element of an entire community. When Italy was projected at high speed towards the conquest of the welfare, at the dawn of a period characterized by a growing consumerism, Nicola cultivated his business with passion, ethics and vision. Emporio Orenga was reborn in 2012, first as an art gallery then as an...

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