ASF - Architetti Senza Frontiere Italia Onlus


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ASF - Architetti Senza Frontiere Italia Onlus 11
ASF - Architetti Senza Frontiere Italia Onlus
ASFItalia Onlus
promotes actions in vulnerable territories:

Architecture for Development: actions to trigger operations directed towards a sustainable development and strengthening of local communities;
Architecture for Training: actions to instruct people into capable workers in conditions of poverty and marginalization;
Architecture for Debate: actions to raise awareness on the ethical responsibility regarding the relationship between the disciplines of space design and social shaping of the habitat.
You can support our actions by becoming a Member or making a donation.
ASF - Architetti Senza Frontiere Italia Onlus
ASF - Architetti Senza Frontiere Italia Onlus

ASFItalia Onlus promotes actions in vulnerable territories: Architecture for Development: actions to trigger operations directed towards a sustainable development and strengthening of local communities; Architecture for Training: actions to instruct people into capable workers in conditions of poverty and marginalization; Architecture for Debate: actions to raise awareness on the ethical responsibility regarding the relationship between the disciplines of space design and social...

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