
Architecture Firm

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éphèmere-s 2
An architectural project cannot be created in one day. It’s a labor of time, a narrative of the collective creation. Telling a story means taking the time of it discovery. Sharing a story means talking in a common language whether that be oral, visual, or sensory.
It must be taken into consideration that there is a part our job in which we are not dealing with simply ‘architecture’, in its limited sense (the realization of the constructed object), but rather the research into modes of communication between people for a shared and sensitive experience.
As a founder of this time of a narrative our working approach is based on the research of references belonging to different worlds (philosophy, biology, sociology …etc.) leading us towards a shared way of thinking that will determine the final form.”

« Le projet d’architecture ne naît pas en un jour. Il est le fruit d’un temps assez long, celui de la création collective du récit. Raconter une histoire c’est prendre le temps de sa découverte. Partager une histoire, c’est parler un langage commun qu’il soit oral, visuel, sensoriel.
Considérant que toute une partie de notre métier n’est pas de l’architecture, au sens limité de la réalisation de l’objet construit, mais la recherche de modes de mise en communication des individus pour un vécu partagé et sensible.
Fondatrice de ce temps du récit, notre démarche de travail se base sur la recherche de références appartenant à des mondes différents (philosophie, biologique, sociologique, ...etc.) pour aboutir à une pensée commune dont la forme physique finale résultera. »


An architectural project cannot be created in one day. It’s a labor of time, a narrative of the collective creation. Telling a story means taking the time of it discovery. Sharing a story means talking in a common language whether that be oral, visual, or sensory. It must be taken into consideration that there is a part our job in which we are not dealing with simply ‘architecture’, in its limited sense (the realization of the constructed object), but rather the research into modes of...
