
Manufacturer Dubino / Italy

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Energyntegration Srl – STI (Innovative Startup) designs, manufactures and sells renewable energy and energy saving products that represent real building integrated solutions, both architectonically and chromatically: thus, articles mainly intended for the residential sector and for the service industry sector whenever, either due to restrictions (e.g. hystorical centers, landscape bonded areas, …) or simply in presence of customers’ aesthetical requirements, ordinary products cannot be proposed. Specifically, the company makes solar elements for electricity and thermal energy generation that give a minimum environmental / visual impact, which is highly appreciated by many endusers and is anyway mandatory in areas subject to explicit restrictions.

Energyntegration Srl's product range

Currently, the company offers BI-PV (Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic), BI-ST (Building Integrated Solar Thermal), and BI-PV/T (Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic and Thermal -> ibride) solutions; you speak about articles, patented and under exclusive license, addressed to the above indicated target, that represent a range of solar photovoltaic panels, solar thermal panels and hybrid panels (photovoltaic+thermal all in one) featuring very high architectonical and chromatic integration with pitched roofs, typical in in the Italian scenario as well as in several other countries.
The integration level is so high that such products can be called “roof coverings” with photovoltaic, solar thermal or hybrid functions; they simply replace tiles or other roof coverings.

From the product point of view, innovation is represented by the fact that photovoltaic, solar thermal or hybrid functions are built-in inside roof coverings, available in any color shade, that are simply installed “as if they were tiles”: on roof frame directly and neither requiring any additional items (plumbing etc.) nor coordination with other actors of the building site (so avoiding logistic complications and delays). These products are also innovative in terms of easy assembling / installation and quick connections (on the hydraulic side too) and for their immediate integration with virtually any length tiles. Moreover, roof coverings by Energyntegration have same shape and dimensions (2 m x 0.5 m x 28 mm thickness) for all three series – pure photovoltaic, pure solar thermal, hybrid (photovoltaic & solar thermal) – always making it possible to implement technically optimum configurations while keeping a uniform and pleasant visual impact.

Especially, “hybrid / high architectonical-chromatic integration combined together” is something really new . Finally, thanks to their relatively little dimensions and quite limited weight, these articles result easy to handle and can be hand-carried to roofs even passing through narrow openings.

Products are proposed in “Standard version”, suitable for many situations already, and “Plus version” products, for a higher level chromatic integration.
  • Address Via Spluga 128/A, 23015 Dubino | Italy
  • Tel +39 0342 687218

Energyntegration Srl – STI (Innovative Startup) designs, manufactures and sells renewable energy and energy saving products that represent real building integrated solutions, both architectonically and chromatically: thus, articles mainly intended for the residential sector and for the service industry sector whenever, either due to restrictions (e.g. hystorical centers, landscape bonded areas, …) or simply in presence of customers’ aesthetical requirements, ordinary products cannot be...

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