Factil Design

Design Firm Barcelona / Spain

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Factil Design
Factil is the combination of two Spanish words: "factible" (feasible), and "fácil" (easy). His design are technically and economically viable,
and usability is an essential element to every project. The variety of profiles in our team and our net of contributors, allow it to offer a scope of
services around design. The studio is born from the alliance of three designers.
Óscar Pérez who studied Industrial design engineering and product design in Elisava University in Barcelona, where nowadays he's working as a teacher in both degrees.
He has worked in different studios and taken part in some projects as a freelance.
In 2012 he decided to found factil design with other partners.
Josep M Salvador who studied technical telecommunication and sound, and after that he worked manufacturing pieces of electronic equipments. His experience and intellectual restlessness
motivated him to study product design in Elisava University. After working in different studios, he became an associated founder of factil.
Chus Molina, who after finishing his education in graphic publicity and work with some companies, he decides to study graphic design in Elisava and also in KABK (Royal Academy of Art),
The Hague. His main interests borns into the visual communication, print, media and creativity, always from the concept to the shape.
Factil Design
Factil Design
  • Address Carrer de Jaume Martí, 5, 08042 Barcelona | Spain
  • Tel +34 936 243 580

Factil is the combination of two Spanish words: "factible" (feasible), and "fácil" (easy). His design are technically and economically viable, and usability is an essential element to every project. The variety of profiles in our team and our net of contributors, allow it to offer a scope of services around design. The studio is born from the alliance of three designers. Óscar Pérez who studied Industrial design engineering and product design in Elisava University in Barcelona, where...

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