Architecture Firm Oslo / Norway

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Espen Surnevik (1973) is an architect educated at the Oslo School of Architecture (AHO) 2000. He studied all semesters in architect Sverre. Fehn`s old studio “Bygg-3” under Professor Per Olaf Fjeld and Professor Finn Kolstad, which he later on was commissioned to work for. Surnevik is to day teaching as assistant Professor at the Institute of Architecture at AHO. In 1998 Surnevik attended Professor Giancarlo De Carlo`s summer-studio, ILAUD, in the University of Venice. He returned to Venice in 2000, invited by the Norwegian Nationalmuseum, as part of the group representing Norway in the Architecturebiennale with the project “Multi-pli-city”. Surnevik`s studio was founded in Oslo in 2011. Studioprojects are developed by Espen Surnevik in collaboration with his students. He focuses on innovating and continuing the Norwegian regional Architecture-tradition. Central elements are to develop projects which have intuitive and specific links to the place, its traditions and its landscape. The studio develops projects where construction and space have a unity in which program and functions find their exact place. The projects are often planned in a historic context which is seen as a opportunity to tell a story of our time and the past. Surnevik regards architecture to be an expression which can tell us how society have been thinking during history. The projects have a detail-focus, including landscape and interior. The goal is that all projects should express a Whole, where the overviewing conceptual idea is represented in the small details and vice versa.
  • Address Maridalsveien 122, 0461 Oslo | Norway

Espen Surnevik (1973) is an architect educated at the Oslo School of Architecture (AHO) 2000. He studied all semesters in architect Sverre. Fehn`s old studio “Bygg-3” under Professor Per Olaf Fjeld and Professor Finn Kolstad, which he later on was commissioned to work for. Surnevik is to day teaching as assistant Professor at the Institute of Architecture at AHO. In 1998 Surnevik attended Professor Giancarlo De Carlo`s summer-studio, ILAUD, in the University of Venice. He returned to Venice in...