Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten

Architecture Firm Münster / Germany

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Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten 5
Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
We are an international office located in Münster, Leipzig, Taichung and Taipei.
For us, the goal of any work is to plan and implement precisely planned objects with sophisticated aesthetics and intelligent designs. The dialogue with our client and within the team, the analysis of the places and the tasks, in connection with intensive research determine our work and design processes. This way of working leads to independent and self-evident solutions with a high degree of identity and sensuality even for complex construction tasks. Our clients should be able to identify with the jointly developed buildings and outdoor facilities and be able to view them permanently with pride and joy. The careful planning and implementation in detail as well as the professional control of the processes is part of our routine.
Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
  • Address Hafenweg 26b, 45772 Münster | Germany

We are an international office located in Münster, Leipzig, Taichung and Taipei. For us, the goal of any work is to plan and implement precisely planned objects with sophisticated aesthetics and intelligent designs. The dialogue with our client and within the team, the analysis of the places and the tasks, in connection with intensive research determine our work and design processes. This way of working leads to independent and self-evident solutions with a high degree of identity and...