
Architecture Firm Camaiore / Italy

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federi.CO 0
federi.CO is a laboratory of ideas, between madness and reasoning. It is an "Officina" where daily manipulations of reality transmuted into images or words are taken out. More simply, federi.CO is an interdisciplinary organization that works across architecture, engineering and visual arts such as design, illustration and photography. The studio offers various services: from architectural / engineering design to graphics to the management of social networks.
  • Address Via Fiaschetto 27/G, 55041 Camaiore | Italy
  • Tel 3491078545

federi.CO is a laboratory of ideas, between madness and reasoning. It is an "Officina" where daily manipulations of reality transmuted into images or words are taken out. More simply, federi.CO is an interdisciplinary organization that works across architecture, engineering and visual arts such as design, illustration and photography. The studio offers various services: from architectural / engineering design to graphics to the management of social networks.

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