Vasco Alves | Founder

Architecture Firm

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Vasco Alves  |  Founder 0
Vasco Alves | Founder
The architect as a binding element of the diversified knowledge and specialties inherent to the project process as a whole.

Familiar to the professional medium of architecture before finishing his academic formation at DArq-UC (Department of Architeture of the University of Coimbra), joins D-Solution office, later becoming partner, developing project in several programmatic areas. Associating architecture to the various technical components developed by the office, from civil engineering, to energetic efficiency, construction management, private and public construction inspection and auditoring, greatly contributed for the practice of elaborating an architectural project, and it’s full understanding.
Embrancing new opportunities within the area of rehabilitation and refurbishment, in 2013 D-Solution aggregates construction execution to its field of practice, in order to provide a full scope of response to the client. Which allowed for a wider comprehension of the client’s difficulties in all the stages of the project development, from the programmatic discussion to the final occupation of the space created.
Vasco Alves  |  Founder
Vasco Alves | Founder

The architect as a binding element of the diversified knowledge and specialties inherent to the project process as a whole. ​ Familiar to the professional medium of architecture before finishing his academic formation at DArq-UC (Department of Architeture of the University of Coimbra), joins D-Solution office, later becoming partner, developing project in several programmatic areas. Associating architecture to the various technical components developed by the office, from civil engineering,...