
Architecture Firm Melbourne / Australia

9 Followers 538 Visits
Dreamer 9
DREAMER was founded in 2017 and is a small team of diverse expertise. We offer full service design for buildings, interior design and temporary architecture. This means design services from project inception to delivery of built work.
As part of our full design service and as a separate service we offer strategic architecture consulting โ€“ to help clients understand their problems deeply and how they might do more with less and find innovative solutions.
We are an ongoing research entity. We will share and open source our learning where appropriate and hope to initiate scalable technology based architecture solutions as a bi-product of our research.

DREAMER was founded in 2017 and is a small team of diverse expertise. We offer full service design for buildings, interior design and temporary architecture. This means design services from project inception to delivery of built work. As part of our full design service and as a separate service we offer strategic architecture consulting โ€“ to help clients understand their problems deeply and how they might do more with less and find innovative solutions. We are an ongoing research entity. We...

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