
Architecture Firm City of London / United Kingdom

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Valari 5
Founded by the architects Nicolò Lewanski and Federica Russo, Valari is a planning firm born to follow projects and guide real estate investments in Italy, even on behalf of foreigners.
Before taking care of the project, Valari accompanies the client in an all-around consultancy, through a series of services and a team made up of various professionals that side the architects, and with whom to evaluate the operation from every point of view, from the economic side and European funding, to strategic management, from site inspections, to the relationship with local suppliers.
Valari wants to act as a bridge between the needs expressed by an international clientele and the potential that the Italian territory and heritage offer

Founded by the architects Nicolò Lewanski and Federica Russo, Valari is a planning firm born to follow projects and guide real estate investments in Italy, even on behalf of foreigners. Before taking care of the project, Valari accompanies the client in an all-around consultancy, through a series of services and a team made up of various professionals that side the architects, and with whom to evaluate the operation from every point of view, from the economic side and European funding, to...

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