Studio duearchitetti

Architecture Firm Varese / Italy

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Studio duearchitetti
The person, the space, the detail, the sun, the gravity, the meaning of beauty, of finished and not-finished. Concepts which belong to the moment you are projecting but need be part of a common point of view to be shared. A house is simply a confined space separated from the exterior with walls and a roof. An interior compared to an exterior. The spatial interpretations are various. All valid if they are a result of a careful reflection. However working together means the necessity to share a few simple but essential principles.
Believing that architecture is the result of a careful observation of the relationship between the person and the space. Architecture should not only give in terms of space but also, and especially, in terms of emotions. Otherwise it is housing. From the surrounding space it should receive. Light, heat, and when it is possible, the beauty of the nature or a glimpse of the city.
Believing that there is a hard core in beauty, to say it as Zumthor does. A beauty which transcends trends, not necessarily the result of an aesthetic trend of the moment. Rather a beauty which express the sincerity of the materials, the proportions of a space, the harmony of a detail.
Believing that elegance arises always from simplicity intended as an end point after a long and difficult process, full of traps and temptations.
The list could continue for long but probably it is not necessary.
Designing means to choose, select, in order to arrive at a point where nothing can be added or removed. A point where we find the soul of our thoughts.
Designing is a fascinating game, a balance between experience and fantasy.
Studio duearchitetti
Studio duearchitetti

The person, the space, the detail, the sun, the gravity, the meaning of beauty, of finished and not-finished. Concepts which belong to the moment you are projecting but need be part of a common point of view to be shared. A house is simply a confined space separated from the exterior with walls and a roof. An interior compared to an exterior. The spatial interpretations are various. All valid if they are a result of a careful reflection. However working together means the necessity to share a...

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