
Architecture Firm Mexico City / Mexico

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Nogalya 0
Nogalya is a firm founded in 2010 by architects Darío Salazar and Denisse Velázquez, specializing in interior design, manufacturing of special carpentry, and decoration. Since its inception, the company has focused on establishing a brand that competes aesthetically and in interior quality with any design house in the world.

The name "Nogalya" is derived from the word "Nogal", which is the Spanish word for walnut, and finds its inspiration in the grain, strength, and luxury of this wood. The main materials used include solid woods, natural derivatives, and composites, ensuring the efficiency of processes and the durability of each space.

Darío Salazar directs the brand in close collaboration and communication with all the companies in the group. In this way, Nogalya functions as the transitional company in the scale of comprehensive service offered by the group, between Cintre Arquitectura and Komore.

The firm seeks to position Mexico as a vanguard force in the use of local materials and labor. Each piece is produced in their workshop, using cutting-edge technology and artisanal labor through traditional processes, resulting in unique and high-quality outcomes. The materials are carefully selected, creating a unique language with the use of solid woods, natural derivatives, composites, leathers, fabrics, tinted glass, natural stones, and metals.Nogalya offers customized finishes in each of the spaces, adapted to the end users, whether it's an individual piece or large productions. This gives clients within the consortium and external ones the opportunity to experiment with different textures and scales in the same project.

The turnkey work is carried out through internal activities and externally and complementarily with Cintre Arquitectura and Komore, generating a 360 service that allows for the comprehensive resolution of projects, ensuring quality in each of the processes. Internally, they can resolve all aspects of an interior space, from finishes and materials to dishware and decoration.

Nogalya's vision reflects its commitment to the design and manufacture of high-quality interiors, standing out in the market thanks to its attention to detail and the use of local materials. The firm is an example of how innovation and creativity can be combined with tradition and artisanal quality to create unique and high-quality products.

Nogalya is a firm founded in 2010 by architects Darío Salazar and Denisse Velázquez, specializing in interior design, manufacturing of special carpentry, and decoration. Since its inception, the company has focused on establishing a brand that competes aesthetically and in interior quality with any design house in the world. The name "Nogalya" is derived from the word "Nogal", which is the Spanish word for walnut, and finds its inspiration in the grain, strength, and luxury of this wood. The...
