Architecture Firm Ahmedabad / India

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STUDIO 4000	0
As a mode of worldmaking, practice acknowledges a multiplicity of things & processes by participating in their creative play. Before it is a specific position on program, design language or site, we feel the work to be a gathering - an occasion where many views, energies & realities meet. For enhanced interaction, each encounter seeks openings in hardened definitions of use, appearance, etc. through dialogue & sharing of experience.

In this, our practice is most inspired by the cultural & ecological conditions of south Asian contexts, manifesting in unique people-place-material relationships. We take from these relationships & attempt to give back with reimagination. Execute architectural actions with criticality & responsiveness to both – the constant as well as the emergent in them.

Engaging at different scales, with diverse programs & clientele is enjoyed equally in the studio. Where possible, particular design situations are cross-fertilized with stimulus from contrastive ones.

Infrastructural works, service buildings, workspaces, clinics, etc. are seen beyond the typical image of aseptic areas for mechanical transactions. In such projects, placeness is sought by opening emotional & symbolic fronts for dialogue and emphasizing the scope of human involvement in making them.

Conversely, houses, renovations works & furniture design undertaken by us are valued as opportunities to study construction detail, finishes, workmanship & are dealt with wholesomeness and architectural integrity.


As a mode of worldmaking, practice acknowledges a multiplicity of things & processes by participating in their creative play. Before it is a specific position on program, design language or site, we feel the work to be a gathering - an occasion where many views, energies & realities meet. For enhanced interaction, each encounter seeks openings in hardened definitions of use, appearance, etc. through dialogue & sharing of experience. In this, our practice is most inspired by the cultural &...

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Khushboo  Vyas
  • Khushboo Vyas
  • Architect