Architecture Firm Kyiv / Ukraine

1 Followers 190 Visits
SHOVK is a team of specialists in creating modern, exciting, and functional projects in the field of interior design and architecture. Having gained European experience in designing residential, commercial, and public facilities, since 2015 we have been realizing the dreams of our clients, who share our understanding of aesthetics and philosophy.

The studio's portfolio includes numerous implemented projects around the world. The main principles of our work are full mutual understanding with the client, attention to details, implementation of energy efficiency technologies, reasonable consumption, and design that is not subject to time and ephemerality of fashion trends.

In the development of our projects, we draw inspiration from cultural context and local building practices, crafting a distinctive design with elements of minimalism and intriguing spatial concepts.
Additionally, we take into account the spirit of the location and its historical background, enriching our design philosophy with a deep understanding of the place’s essence and narrative. This holistic approach ensures our projects seamlessly integrate with their surroundings, telling a story that resonates with both tradition and innovation.

Architectural and urban projects of our studio have won several international and local awards, such as Active house projects contest / Ukraine / 2019 – Grand Prix, Active house projects contest / Canada / 2019 – Grand Prix, Young architects competitions / Italy / 2019 Military museum Capo d`Orso – Finalist, Ukrainian urban awards / 2019 Projects of cultural and social objects – 1st prize, Ukrainian urban awards / 2019 Projects of reconstruction and restoration – 1st prize, Projects of reconstruction and restoration – 2nd prize, Projects of commercial architecture – 3rd prize, National Architectural Competition “Ploshcha Peremohy in Vinnytsia” / Ukraine / 2019 / in collaboration with Kotsiuba studio – 1st prize.

SHOVK is a team of specialists in creating modern, exciting, and functional projects in the field of interior design and architecture. Having gained European experience in designing residential, commercial, and public facilities, since 2015 we have been realizing the dreams of our clients, who share our understanding of aesthetics and philosophy. The studio's portfolio includes numerous implemented projects around the world. The main principles of our work are full mutual understanding with...

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