Architecture Firm Valencia / Spain

1 Followers 109 Visits
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Studio v·om was an idea conceived by 3 avid architects, Carlos, David & Andrés. They moved from a small flat in Ruzafa Neighbourhood to a very own studio, where this creative and productive space is taking shape.

More than a studio name, v·om is a way of thinking and making Architecture. The target is to turn end users´ dreams, limits and requirements into real, durable and sustainable Architecture.

This team has a good spirit, resolutions and strong ambitions. V·om has already jumped into 3 important sites, Valencia, Madrid and Altea. Enthusiastic, highly qualified and internationally experienced, this group works along with end users within an inclusive and interactive design process. This focus makes users feel free to discuss ideas and be part of the design decisions.

v·om constantly boosts the design, technical and planning limits, pursuing the optimal solution throughout the use and combination of computational techniques, parametric design tools, genetic algorithms and BIM Methodology. In this process, there are key parameters such as budget, function, timing and bioclimatic indicators. We enjoy working with clients, from the very first global approach, where research is applied, to collaboration with local contractors and suppliers.

To v·om, Architecture must respond to users´ necessities and respect the environment through apeople data-driven design. It also must be timeless and environmentally minimum impact. A building is a legacy, for the users, and for the place.

Studio v·om was an idea conceived by 3 avid architects, Carlos, David & Andrés. They moved from a small flat in Ruzafa Neighbourhood to a very own studio, where this creative and productive space is taking shape. More than a studio name, v·om is a way of thinking and making Architecture. The target is to turn end users´ dreams, limits and requirements into real, durable and sustainable Architecture. This team has a good spirit, resolutions and strong ambitions. V·om has already jumped...

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