
Manufacturer Lüneburg / Germany

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Dedon was born in Germany in 1990 from Bobby Dekeyser creativity. His initial idea was to start from the textile, a new kind of covering for outdoor furnishing, at the same time pleasing aesthetically and resistant to whether conditions. Today Dedon is present in 80 countries, it counts around 1000 employees and has a strategic base in the Philippines, where the research is every day dedicated to create exclusive pieces of furniture and solutions, a perfect mix between the German rigor and South-East Asia easy-living approach. Dedon true revolution is the ability to bring to the outdoor area the same care and design typical of the indoor, to shape exclusive outdoor spaces thanks to unique pieces such as the Nestrest, a suspended nest allowing to enjoy the beauty of the garden or of a view, by comfortably laying down on a protective and reassuring structure. This and plenty of other ideas come from the designers who follow one another on the Dedon Island, an island in the Philippines where every day something new is created, immersed in an idea of luxury that generates concepts that are transformed into reality by the masters manufacturers of Cebu, a location nearby the Dedon Island, where the production site of the German company is located.

Dedon, less than thirty years for a history of great successes

Founded in 1990, Dedon already looks back on a rich and adventurous history. By uniting handcraftsmanship and technology, the company produces every year kilometers of fabric, used by famous designers to create iconic pieces, like those of the Barcelona and Lounge collections. In 1994 the production is moved to the Philippines, where there is a high concentration of artisan masters able to model a fabrics of new generation into a sofa, an armchair, a chair for the outdoor, pieces that can be left in the rain or bad weather conditions without the risk of being damaged. In 2000, Cebu, always in the Philippines, becomes the company heart of production and within a few years the brand already expands its presence to 80 countries and can praise extremely relevant collaborations like the one with the genius of design Philippe Starck, author of Dedon Rayn collection, while the collections storytelling is put in the hands of the talented Bruce Weber. Hence, Dedon relies on some of the most creative and appreciated world-class artists to reach every corner of the planet. Moreover, next to the woven collections, some years ago the company launched a production connected to new materials, such as the teak of Tibbo.

The quality of Dedon outdoor furnishing

In order to produce iconic pieces with an extra-ordinary resistance outside it is necessary to focus on the quality of the design, of the raw material and of its making. The fiber from which the history of the company began was synthetic and was studied and created in the German production facilities. It goes without saying that we are speaking of an environmentally-friendly material, fully recyclable, non-toxic and that burns without releasing noxious fumes in the surrounding environment. The structures used make it extremely resistant to atmospheric agents and available in several colors and textures. Every year the company produces up to 55.000 km of this exceptional fiber that is examined meter by meter with devices that mimic maritime scenarios (to test the contact with water, sun and salt), or the poolside (to test resistance to chlorine), to check that the materials does not wreck or modify. In Cebu (in the Philippines) the manufacture is entrusted to the astounding artisans whose manual skills are renowned worldwide. Before even the fabric reaches their hands, it has gone through other 16 quality checks lasting at least 15 minutes each. Only then the fabric is considered ready to be transformed into something unique.

Sofas and garden swing seats

Some of Dedon’s pieces have made the history of design. These are award-winning pieces, drawn by famous artists that paved the way for many imitations. For instance the famed Nestrest, a hanging igloo-shaped seat, a garden sofa that creates an intimate space where to plunge into relax or meditation; its peculiarity is that it shelters from indiscreet eyes, while the view from the inside on the outside is excellent!
Orbit Loveseat is an igloo-shaped garden sofa too and is one of the company’s creations that left a mark on the history of the company. Drawn by Richard Frinier, this sofa lays on the ground, which is its only conventional trait. Indeed, apart from this, its futuristic design and the aluminium body turn it into an oasis of peace where to take time for yourself, undisturbed, with readings, thoughts and meditation, to find back your center. If on the other hand you wish to cuddle with someone in a larger space, the Orbit Loveseat XXL version can warmly embrace up to three people!
  • Address Zeppelinstrasse, 22, 21337 Lüneburg | Germany
  • Tel +49041312244
  • Fax +49041312244

Dedon was born in Germany in 1990 from Bobby Dekeyser creativity. His initial idea was to start from the textile, a new kind of covering for outdoor furnishing, at the same time pleasing aesthetically and resistant to whether conditions. Today Dedon is present in 80 countries, it counts around 1000 employees and has a strategic base in the Philippines, where the research is every day dedicated to create exclusive pieces of furniture and solutions, a perfect mix between the German rigor and...

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