Valentina Fantin

Architect Milan / Italy

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Valentina Fantin
Design and technical services studio based in Milan, active for over twenty years in the architectural design of public and private spaces and in the field of interior design.

Founded in 1998 by Valentina Fantin, architect and Tommaso Lingeri, project manager, today it counts on the stable collaboration of Nicola Bortolussi, interior designer and photographer and Mauro Boasso, engineer and expert in renewable energy.
In recent years studioariamilano has mainly dealt with the architecture of the residence in various aspects - renovation, restoration, construction, interiors - following each step with care and passion, from the survey to the first draft of the project, from the presentation to the works management, with a choral approach , the result of the comparison between various skills and sensitivities.
The interest in the history of architecture, cultivated and developed by studioariamilano professionals since the time of university, led the studio to develop and improve its skills in the field of reuse and restoration of existing heritage, also of particular historical value , and in the promotion aimed at enhancing the territory and its cultures.
Valentina Fantin
Valentina Fantin
  • Address Via Carlo de Cristoforis, 15, 20124 Milan | Italy

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Design and technical services studio based in Milan, active for over twenty years in the architectural design of public and private spaces and in the field of interior design. Founded in 1998 by Valentina Fantin, architect and Tommaso Lingeri, project manager, today it counts on the stable collaboration of Nicola Bortolussi, interior designer and photographer and Mauro Boasso, engineer and expert in renewable energy. In recent years studioariamilano has mainly dealt with the architecture of the residence in various aspects - renovation, restoration, construction, interiors - following each step with care and passion, from the survey to the first draft of the project, from the presentation to the works management, with a choral approach , the result of the comparison between various skills and sensitivities. The interest in the history of architecture, cultivated and developed by studioariamilano professionals since the time of university, led the studio to develop and improve its skills in the field of reuse and restoration of existing heritage, also of particular historical value , and in the promotion aimed at enhancing the territory and its cultures.
